November Production - 15.680 BOPD

The average production for the 11 months of 2004 was 13.679 BOPD.
The oil production for Norway and Yemen was as follows (BOPD):
                                November            YTD
Norway                     1.936                   1.640
Yemen                   13.744                 12.039
Total                     15.680                  13.679
A further increase of ca. 500 BOPD (net to DNO) in the production from Yemen was achieved in November and the production from Yemen was record high for the year.
Tasour produced more than 20.000 BOPD gross, which is all time high monthly production from the field.
The Glitne field was back on stream during November. The production at the end of the month was ca. 20.000 BOPD. This is lower than the expected field capacity which is caused by higher than anticipated water production from the latest production well. Well work has been undertaken to reduce this water production, which in turn could increase the oil production from the well.
With an estimated average production of ca. 15.000 BOPD for December DNO's total oil production for 2004 will be ca. 13.800, which is well above target.