VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 10, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- During the 2004 second phase of delineation drilling of the "pit area" of the West Zone, Starfield Resources Inc. (OTCBB:SRFDF) (TSX-V:SRU) drilled a "Metallurgical Hole" (Hole 04-188:location 45+80W/1+95N) in order to obtain suitable Platinum Group Element (PGE) enriched footwall mineralization to conduct metallurgical and mineralogical testing. The Company has engaged Dr. Evan Kirby of Metallurgical Management Services, Perth, Australia to design, plan and supervise the testwork program undertaken by SGS Lakefield Research Africa at their Johannesburg Laboratories, SA.
Dr. Kirby in a technical note and Progress Report (Dr. Evan Kirby, MMS-SRU-03, February, 2005) has documented that preliminary results from the metallurgical test program show excellent PGE recovery results achieved in rougher and cleaner froth flotation testwork on the PGE-bearing Low Sulfide Zone (LSZ) footwall material. The LSZ-PGE bearing zone tested from Met-hole 04-188 was 15 meters in length grading 5.99 g/t 2 PGE (2.61g/t Pt+3.38g/t Pd).
Result: - Rougher flotation, 90% (Pt + Pd) Recovery and 45 g/t (Pt + Pd) concentrate grade. - Open circuit cleaner flotation with three stages of cleaning, 421 g/t (Pt + Pd) concentrate grade and 68% (Pt + Pd) Recovery
The preliminary 04-188 LSZ met test results were obtained from flotation testwork with no attempt at optimizing process parameters such as the fineness of grind and reagent additions or locked cycle circuit tests. Dr. Kirby's assessment of the preliminary results is that:
-- they compare favorably to the laboratory flotation of South African Merensky Reef ores. -- they exhibit excellent flotation kinetics(fast) and recoveries(high) and were achieved with low reagent additions(potential low costs), and -- they are amongst the best PGE recovery/grade results that he has seen.
Promising results have also been obtained from rougher flotation work on Footwall Massive Sulfide Zone (FMSZ) material obtained from a 1.3 meter interval from Met-Hole 04-188 which graded 3.07g/t 2PGE (see Table One for comparative "Head Grades"). Dr. Kirby reports that for this PGE-bearing massive pyrrhotite rich material "selective flotation could form the basis of a commercial recovery process." (MMS-SRU-03, February, 2005).
The metallurgical samples from Met-hole 04-188 are similar to the intervals of PGE-bearing footwall-style of mineralization first discovered in drill hole 03-157 (see Appendix One), These holes are effectively duplicates as the drill collars are 0.3 meters apart with borehole survey data suggesting that the holes are about a meter apart where they intersect footwall mineralization. The Ferguson Lake footwall mineralization is characterized by the more important LSZ intercepts of greater widths and platinum contents compared to the FMSZ mineralization (Appendix One). The LSZ is notable for its low sulphur content (1.23%) as compared to the FMSZ contents of 16.85% due to massive pyrrhotite (Table One). It is important to note that Ferguson Lake PGE-bearing footwall mineralization generally lies 30-50 meters below the base of the main massive sulphide lens(es) which globally across the property are estimated to contain 2.4 million ounces of palladium and 0.4 million ounces of platinum at a 1% Cu+Ni cutoff grade (Dr. N.C. Carter, April 8, 2003 and reported in News Release SRU-10-03, June 6, 2003). Head assay and analyses of the two footwall PGE-bearing styles of mineralization areas are shown below in Table One.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample ID -- Table One -- Head Analyses MET Assay Data by SGS-Lakefield Research Africa ----------- -------- -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- 04-188 Pt (g/t) Pd (g/t) Ni (%) Cu (%) Co (%) Fe (%) S (%) ----------- -------- -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- LSZ 2.61 3.38 0.0645 0.0300 0.0165 8.47 1.23 ----------- -------- -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- FMSZ 0.29 2.78 0.665 0.1936 0.0949 34.21 16.85 ----------- -------- -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -----
Dr. Kirby has provided a general technical synopses regarding PGE recovery by flotation. Grinding followed by froth flotation are the metallurgical processes commonly used to produce saleable concentrates from PGE ores. The ore is first ground to a fine powder to liberate PGE and base metal (copper, nickel, cobalt) sulfide values. Reagents are then added which cause the valuable mineral particles to attach to bubbles and be recovered as a concentrate in the froth flotation process. The flotation process commences with "rougher flotation" to produce a low-grade concentrate which is then upgraded by a number of stages of "cleaner flotation."
In a commercial process, the tailings from a cleaning step are usually returned to the feed of the preceding step. Standard laboratory batch testwork is conducted with open circuit cleaning, i.e. with no recycle of the cleaner tailings. Locked cycle laboratory testwork involves a sequence of repeated rougher and cleaner flotation with recycle of cleaner tailings to simulate the commercial process. Compared with the open circuit tests, locked cycle testwork usually gives significantly improved concentrate grade and recovery.
Additional testwork including locked cycle flotation and advanced mineralogical evaluation is planned for Met-Hole 04-188. The detailed mineralogical examination of the concentrates and head ore will assist in finer tuning of these non-optimized flotation processes and provide mineralogical information as to the probable linkage between the PGE endowment in the footwall mineralization and that found in the main base and precious metal bearing massive sulphide zone. The success of the strategy of selective flotation on the pyrrhotite-rich FMSZ material has prompted the Company to submit main zone massive sulphide "pit area" mineralization for similar flotation testing and evaluation. In 2004, four metallurgical test holes (totaling 496 meters) utilizing HQ-sized core were drilled in the 40+85W/1+40N area of the "pit area" where drill hole 03-159 intercepted 20.95 meters of massive pyrrhotite grading 1.53% copper, 0.97% nickel, 0.09% cobalt, 2.49g/t palladium and 0.24g/t platinum. Approximately 3700 pounds of main zone massive sulphide HQ core have been stored for metallurgical test purposes. Approximately 100 pounds of this material is presently being evaluated by flotation at SGS Lakefield Research Africa.
The Company is very pleased with the program of preliminary testing and the ongoing work now under way under the supervision of Dr. Evan Kirby. His extensive experience worldwide in PGE recovery metallurgical applications has assisted him as consulting metallurgist at Aquarius Platinum Limited in their successful low-cost mining and processing of various African PGE ore types. Starfield management recently visited the staff and excellent laboratories and metallurgical testing facility at SGS-Lakefield Research Africa. They provide corporate clients with their extensive knowledge of PGE recovery systems for the famous SA Bushveld Complex (UG2-Reef, Merensky Reef) and Great Dyke, Zimbabwe.
Starfield Resources acknowledges that these PGE flotation results are from only a single hole of footwall-style mineralisation. However, visual core inspection and PGE assays from other intersections along a considerable strike length in the West Zone "pit area" show broadly similar characteristics and continuity. A more definitive level of evaluation including variability testwork on a number of sections along strike is planned. The present ongoing evaluation should prove useful for scoping study purposes. The economic potential of the footwall PGE-bearing mineralization appears to be very significant since it is a relatively new discovery in the Ferguson Lake Mineral District. The LSZ is amenable to normal grinding and has excellent flotation kinetics (fast) and recoveries (high) achieved with low reagent additions (low costs). These aspects are a significant step in adding to the asset value of this unique mineral district.
Appendix One Details of the Analyses of Intervals from Mineralised Intersections of Ferguson Lake Footwall Mineralisation -------------------------------------------------------------------- Typical Low Sulphide - Type 2 Mineralisation Drill Hole 03-157(a) (one-half NQ-Core-Sawn) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Core Geochemical Depth Interval Core Width and Assay Data(a) Ratio --------------- ---------- --------------------------------- ------ From To metres Ni Cu Co Pt Pd Pt/Pd ------ ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 214.00 215.66 1.66 121 11 17 0.44 0.51 0.86 ------ ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 215.66 217.00 1.34 82 61 16 6.53 0.35 18.66 ------ ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 217.00 218.20 1.20 164 88 29 0.53 7.34 0.07 ------ ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 218.20 219.40 1.20 140 104 26 2.86 1.59 1.80 ------ ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 219.40 220.60 1.20 144 62 25 1.40 1.05 1.33 ------ ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 220.60 221.90 1.30 137 79 25 2.75 1.48 1.86 ------ ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 221.90 222.47 0.57 802 484 124 5.07 4.97 1.02 ------ ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 222.47 223.35 0.88 5620 1460 720 7.21 23.85 0.30 ------ ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 223.35 224.25 0.90 1072 329 162 1.50 6.69 0.22 ------ ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 224.25 225.20 0.95 1427 969 223 17.01 10.82 1.57 ------ ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 225.20 226.50 1.30 229 108 34 0.40 0.89 0.45 ------ ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 226.50 228.00 1.50 208 24 33 0.17 0.34 0.50 ------ ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 228.00 229.50 1.50 201 136 39 1.11 1.45 0.77 ==================================================================== Total/Average --------------- ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- 03-157 15.50 623 236 90 3.10 3.82 0.81 ==================================================================== MET HOLE 04-188(b) ------ ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 213.00 230.00 15.00 645 300 165 2.61 3.38 0.77 ------ ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- Footwall Massive Sulphide - Type 3 Mineralisation Drill Hole 03-157(a) (one-half NQ-Core-Sawn) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Core Geochemical Depth Interval Core Width and Assay Data(a) Ratio --------------- ---------- --------------------------------- ------ From To metres Ni Cu Co Pt Pd Pt/Pd ------ ------ ------ ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 238.60 240.10 1.50 403 168 68 0.18 0.90 0.20 ------ ------ ------ ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 240.10 240.73 0.63 1426 2447 225 0.10 1.34 0.07 ------ ------ ------ ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 240.73 241.62 0.89 10540 8000 1460 1.72 6.03 0.29 ==================================================================== Total/Average 03-157 3.02 3604 2952 511 0.62 2.50 0.25 ==================================================================== MET HOLE 04-188(b) --------------- ------ ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 240.20 241.50 1.30 6650 1936 949 0.29 2.78 0.10 ------ ------ ------ ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- -----
(a) 03-157 geochemical data and base and precious metal assay data from ACME Laboratories, Vancouver.
(b) 04-188 Met hole geochemical data and base and precious metal assay data from SGS-Lakefield, South Africa as per this project -- see Table 1. The data is derived from a composite of complete NQ-sized core (complete intercept) which was dried, crushed to 100% minus 6 mm, blended, rotary riffle split into one kilo portions, grind to 80% passing 75 microns. All flotation tests were carried out on P80 of 75 microns.
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