SpareBank 1 arrangerte Capital Market Day den 14 og 15 juni. Deltakerne fikk innsikt i, og ble oppdatert på, viktige faktorer som påvirker norsk økonomi og markedsplassen til finansielle institusjoner. Investorer fra hele europa var tilstede under konferansen. Presentasjoner fra konferansen finner du vedlagt.
On June 14th and 15th SpareBank 1 hosted the Capital Market Day in Stavanger. Investors was given information about influential issues affecting the Norwegian economy and the marketplace for domestic financial institutions. Statoil, Statkraft, Moody`s, First Securities, Marine Harvest and SpareBank 1 updated the participents on the petroleum and energy sector, the fish and the financial market. All the presentations included below.
June 14th
NHO/Statoil- Vice President Erling Øverland
Moody`s Investors Service - Senior Vice President Janne Thomsen
Statkraft - President and CEO Bård Mikkelsen
SpareBank 1 Midt-Norge - Vice President Finn Haugan
SpareBank 1 Group - Group Executive Vice President Kirsten Idebøen
First Securities Chief Economist Harald Magnus Andreassen
June 15th
Marine Harvest Blue Planet - Communications Director, Nutreco Aquaculture Vidar Julien