UCB Confirms Solid First Half Zyrtec Sales in USA

Brussels, July 20 2005 - Following Pfizer's first half year 2005 earnings release, UCB confirms that Zyrtec strengthened its leadership position as the most prescribed branded antihistamine in the US in new prescriptions. The US in-market sales of Zyrtec have reached $ 697 million over the first 6 months of 2005, showing a 15% increase compared with the same period in 2004.
The worldwide sales of Xyzal increased by 30% during the first half of 2005 versus the same period in 2004. In Europe, Xyzal confirmed its further market penetration with a growth rate of 25%. Xyzal's IMS[1] market share for Europe reached in May 2005, 15.2% compared to 10.5% a year earlier. A recent study (XPERT) shows that using the oncedaily anti-histamine Xyzal reduces the cost of persistent allergic rhinitis to employers and to society, and significantly improves symptoms and quality of life for patients, in comparison to no treatment.[2,3]
1. IMS, Total R6A Antihistamine market in euros (5 major European Markets - May 2005)
2. Bousquet J, Demarteau N, Mullol J et al. Costs associated with persistent allergic rhinitis are reduced by levocetirizine. Allergy 2005.
3. Bachert C, Bousquet J, Canonica GW et al. Levocetirizine improves quality of life and reduces costs in long-term management of
persistent allergic rhinitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004; 114: 838-844


Press release (PDF)