View Systems Announces Multi-unit Order from California School Officials

BALTIMORE, Aug. 9, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- View Systems, Inc. (OTCBB:VYST), a cutting edge homeland defense solutions provider, today announced a multi-unit purchase order from Inglewood Unified School District, (IUSD) Inglewood, CA. In the middle of March, at the request of Tim Brown, Chief Operations Officer of IUSD, View Systems demonstrated a SecureScan at the Inglewood High School as a crucial part of a district-wide effort to increase security at the constituency's high school campuses.

After the test, the following information came out in LA Bay News Observer and the WAVE. "Education is our students' main objective and we need to make sure they remain focused on academics, graduation, and making the right decisions in their lives. We are committed to being proactive in providing a safe and secure learning environment for students," said Superintendent Pamela Short-Powell, explaining that the district has increased the number of random wand searches in the last two years. "Recently, a neighboring high school suffered a tragic loss due to gang violence. Any indication of potential violence on our campuses will be addressed," she said. District officials said the scanning systems at the school entrances are part of a larger high school security plan now under development.

Craig Boyd, Western Operations Director for View Systems, states, "This opening six unit order is part of a larger initiative. After the first period of the first day of the school's test the students realized this was not an ordinary 'metal detector'. We have worked diligently in California to introduce this Justice Department funded technology for use in courts, schools and large venues."

"According to the California Department of Education there are over 7,644 public schools in the state," states View's CEO Gunther Than. "We have quoted other school districts in other cities and other states, several of which are the largest in the U.S. We are getting traction in one of the most progressive school district in the country."

About View Systems, Inc.

View Systems, Inc. provides products to law enforcement, military, government agencies, educational facilities, hotels, event and sport venues, and commercial businesses. View Systems has a network of distributors, licensees and strategic alliance affiliates.

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