Franklin Resources Inc.'s holdings in Metso to 4.78 percent

Metso Corporation has been informed about a change in the holding of the mutual funds and separate accounts managed by Franklin Resources, Inc. of the paid up share capital of Metso Corporation. On September 8, 2005, Franklin Resources, Inc.'s holdings amounted to 4.15 percent of the paid up share capital and 4.78 percent of the voting rights of Metso Corporation after being, on the basis of their previous announcement, 3.51 percent of the paid up share capital and 5.36 percent of the voting rights on June 14, 2005.
According to their announcement holdings by mutual funds of Franklin Resources, Inc. on September 8, 2005 were as follows:
Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC 3,575,800 shares
Franklin Templeton Investments (Asia) Ltd.  510,080 shares
Franklin Templeton Investment Mgmt. Ltd.  1,444,900 shares
Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC 353,786 shares
Total 5,884,566 shares
This holding corresponds to 4.15 percent of the paid up share capital and the total voting rights of Metso Corporation.
In addition, Franklin Resources, Inc. has voting authority representing 0.62 percent of total shares and ADRs as follows:
Franklin Templeton Investments (Asia) Ltd. 147,964 ADRs
Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC 26,526 ADRs
Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC 499,912 shares
Franklin Templeton Investment Mgmt. Ltd. 194,340 shares
Franklin Templeton Investments Corp. 7,880 shares
Franklin Templeton Investments (Asia) Ltd.  5,535 shares
Total 882,157 shares/ADRs
Metso is a global technology corporation serving customers in the pulp and paper industry, rock and minerals processing, the energy industry and selected other industries. In 2004, the net sales of Metso Corporation were approx. EUR 4 billion, and it has some 22,000 employees in more than 50 countries. Metso's shares are listed on the Helsinki and New York Stock Exchanges.