The Secular and the Sacred Harmonized -- New Book 'Harmonizes' Conflicting Theories

FONTANA, Calif., September 27, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- In a provocative and thorough account that harmonizes the biblical story of the creation and the theory of evolution, Eloise T. Choice presents her findings from painstaking years of research in the new book, The Secular and the Sacred Harmonized (now available through AuthorHouse).

"Within (the book's) pages are shocking, yet convincing revelations that force readers to reconsider what has been established as truths about mankind's past and purpose on planet Earth," says Choice. Her book applies historical events to those described in the biblical Book of Revelation. "It also proves," she says, "that the Earth gods of antiquity are the biblical fallen angels, or demons -- today's 'extraterrestrials.'"

The account is non-proselytizing and is reader-friendly, and all of Choice's theories are supported by scientific data, historical facts and holy texts. In short, her book looks closely at the age-old questions: "Who are we?" "Why are we here?" and "Where are we going?" In the book's first section, "The Way Things Really Were," Choice offers a methodical examination of how life and the world of today came to be. From the gods of ancient civilizations to the "real Jesus," the first six chapters are an innovative, convincing account of the past. Part II, titled, "The Way Things Are," begins with a look at what Choice calls "the spirit of the Antichrist" and ends with "God's Prime Directives and Their Loving Intent Toward Mankind." Finally, in Part III, Choice gives readers a glimpse into the future as she sees it. A historic timeline is superimposed over the events described in the biblical Book of Revelation as she offers her unique interpretation of God's 12 signs of the end of time. She explains that "The meek shall inherit the Earth," but adds that, "the adventurous will travel throughout the universe."

The Secular and the Sacred Harmonized does not support the "end of life on Earth" theory prevalent in many books that seek to describe the End Times. Rather, Choice takes a distinctly different approach and discusses the end of time on Earth, followed by the "beginning of life forever for the souls that endure."

Choice holds a master's degree in education and has worked in the field for the past 23 years. She is also a published writer and has served as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Redlands (Calif.). In 2001, she set out to reconcile the biblical account of the creation with the scientific account of how the universe developed, but her discoveries grew far beyond her initial expectations. The result is The Secular and the Sacred Harmonized.

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