Report on BioCurex International Cancer Congress Presentations

RICHMOND, British Columbia, Oct. 4, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Dr. Ricardo Moro, President and CEO of BioCurex Inc. (Pink Sheets:BOCX) commented today on the presentations regarding the company's proprietary RECAF technology at the annual meeting of the International Society of Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine held last week in Rhodes, Greece.

Drs. Gold, Uriel and Moro were invited speakers at this important meeting on cancer markers. Dr. Gold's presentation was focused on the past 40 years of scientific work and clinical applications of the carcino-embryonic antigen -- CEA -- which he discovered. This marker for colorectal cancer was the first one used on a large scale and to this day, its sales amount to approximately $350,000,000 per year worldwide; which is an indication of the long lifespan of tumor markers. Dr. Uriel's presentation was a review focused on the basic biological aspects of RECAF. Dr. Moro presented clinical results using RECAF as a cancer biomarker.

Dr. Moro stated: "The three presentations were very well received with a great number of questions and comments from the audience, an indication of the interest the topic has developed."

The hall where Dr. Uriel and Dr. Moro presented their results was full and the original presentation was extended by 15-20 minutes over the allocated time due to the great interest from the audience. Discussions continued during the remainder of the scientific meeting on a private basis.

Dr. Moro continued: "One of the reasons we had such an impact is that each slide showing our own results was followed by a slide showing similar results from a continuing blind test(1) study in collaboration with an independent and highly regarded scientific European group. During the congress we met with the principal investigator of that group and discussed the results obtained so far and the anticipated future work.

"We have also arranged several other scientific collaborations that will allow us to move the tests to other laboratories where all the work can be done completely independent from us rather than testing blind samples from others in our facilities.

"We were also approached by three new large diagnostic companies who have been following our developments and are interested in different aspects of our technology."

Most of the presentation was centered on the RECAF based blood test for diagnostics. However, the last slide of the ISOBM presentation showed preliminary data indicating that antibodies against RECAF coupled with cyto-toxic compounds can kill cancer cells in culture without significantly killing of normal cells. BioCurex will expand on these results in the near future.

About BioCurex:

BioCurex, Inc. is a biotechnology company that is developing products based on patented/proprietary technology in the areas of cancer diagnosis, imaging and therapy. The technology identifies a cancer marker known as RECAF(tm), which is found on malignant cells from a variety of cancer types but is absent in most normal or benign cells. To read more about the Company, please visit the News section in our web site (


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(1) In a blind test, an independent laboratory sends BioCurex samples encoded with a number. We then test them in our facility and we inform the sender of the result (cancer or not cancer) without knowing the actual diagnosis. The sender then discloses the diagnosis for each case and a statistical analysis follows to validate the accuracy of the RECAF test prediction.


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