Solomon's Touch -- New Book Reveals Life of Amish Man with Divine Gift to Heal

BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Oct. 18, 2005, (PRIMEZONE) -- As medical costs continue to skyrocket, greater attention is being focused on improving health through non-intrusive, alternative methods. In her new book, Solomon's Touch: The Life and Work of Solomon J. Wickey (now available through AuthorHouse), June Naugle throws open an unprecedented window on the subject, one that begs careful consideration.

"Historically, when God decides to send mankind in a new direction, he sends a messenger, or sometimes an entire army to lead the way," Naugle says. She believes Solomon Wickey is the messenger chosen to introduce a totally new concept for achieving optimal health, a simple code that will instantly release and remove the core cause of ailments and maladies. "The mere possibility of achieving instant results without pain or debilitating side effects is exciting for those willing to take charge of their own lives, their own health," Naugle continues.

Solomon's Touch chronicles the success story of this humble man born on a farm near Berne in northern Indiana, the ninth child of an Old Order Amish minister. As a young man, Wickey was devoted to breeding and raising registered Standardbred horses. In his quest to keep them healthy, he studied iridology, a method through which the iris of the human eye reveals illnesses and pinpoints their exact origin. A thorough study of natural herbs taught that herbal nutrition would correct the problems iridology identified, a method, he discovered, that worked equally well with horses as with humans.

When word of his unusual success spread, cars full of sick and afflicted people filled his driveway and lined up and down the country road in front of his farm house six days every week, to consult with this gifted man about their own health problems. When area medical offices and hospital rooms were nearly emptied, Wickey suffered the humiliation of being hauled into court on false charges of practicing medicine without a license.

"Throughout his life, Wickey overcame one huge obstacle after another to become a legend in his own time. In one way or another, he has significantly touched the lives of tens of thousands of people in the United States and abroad, many of whom he will never meet," Naugle says.

For more information about the book, visit the Web site at

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