New Edition of Book Spells Out 101 Reasons Why Students Fail at College

ORANGE, Calif., Oct. 20, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- The November 2005 publication of the book "How to Flunk Out of a Community College: 101 Surefire Strategies That Guarantee Failure" (2nd edition) has caused the community college population to sit up and take notice. The carefully researched statistics spell out a shocking reality: community college students are failing at a rate that belies traditional beliefs about education in this country. Out of more than nine-million students who attend U.S. community colleges, two-thirds will never finish, and less than one fourth will transfer to a four-year institution. Most will never know why they failed.

Author Dr. Cari Cannon is a former community college student who completed her education at an Ivy League institution and now works as a community college professor and leader. In the book, she examines the reasons why students fail to complete a degree, graduate, or transfer. Not only does she investigate the reasons, she comes up with solid strategies to change the failure rate for all who read the book and apply the principles.

"How to Flunk Out of Community College" is written with a tongue-in-cheek humor that appeals to students who might not otherwise read a typical preachy book on success. Instead of the usual "study hard," "take good notes," "apply yourself," Dr. Cari, in a totally new approach, tells students how to fail by annoying professors and having the wrong attitude. Call it good old reverse psychology, but it gets students' attention enough to read the book. And there's much to be said about the student-professor relationship that hasn't been said before. It's a fun read as well as an instructional one, considering that nobody really wants to fail.

Some reactions to the book from community college faculty and administrators touch on the impact of the book. Wilson Lokelani said, "Superb approach to getting students to sit up and take notice!" "I loved the book!" said Jerry Cellilo. Brenda Davis said, "I truly enjoyed the book and believe it will be very instructive for college students."

Based on her background and education, Dr. Cari Cannon is supremely qualified to ferret out the reasons for failure in U.S. community college students and to provide the winning tactics for success through contrarian advice. An associate professor of Psychology at Santiago Canyon College, Dr. Cannon also serves as Vice-President of the Academic Senate, Department Chair, Technology Committee Chair, Psychology and Psi Beta Club advisor, and a member of the Student Success Council.

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