Cargotec Pro Forma Review January-September 2005

  • The value of orders received amounted to EUR 1,795 (1-9/2004: 1,728)
    million. During the third quarter, orders received totaled EUR 579 (7-9/2004:
    515) million.
  • The order book totaled EUR 1,237 million on September 30, 2005 (December
    31, 2004: 1,180).
  • Net sales grew by 29 percent and amounted to EUR 1,731 (1-9/2004: 1,342)
    million. Net sales during the third quarter were EUR 577 (7-9/2004: 451)
  • Operating income increased to EUR 124.8 (1-9/2004: 84.3) million, of which
    the third quarter accounted for EUR 41.0 (7-9/2004: 32.0) million.
  • Cash flow from operations was EUR 111.4 (1-9/2004: 110.8) million.
  • Net income was EUR 84.8 (1-9/2004: 55.9) million.
  • Earnings per share were EUR 1.32 (1-9/2004: EUR 0.86).
  • Cargotec Corporation has been listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange since June
    1, 2005. In this pro forma review, Cargotec's results for January-September 2005
    are presented based on its business and corporate structure following the
    demerger of Kone Corporation. Comparative figures for 2004 have been calculated
    based on the same structure to facilitate the financial evaluation of the
    Company. Hence, MacGREGOR's marine cargo flow business is included in the pro
    forma comparison figures. Cargotec Corporation has on October 24, 2005 published
    an Interim Report for June-September 2005.
    Cargotec's President and CEO Carl-Gustaf Bergström:
    "We are very pleased with our third quarter. The higher than expected net sales
    enabled good profitability. Our ability to respond to the increased demand with
    significantly higher delivery volumes than a year ago is a result of successful
    investments in the flexibility of operations. In addition, the order intake in the
    quarter shows that the market situation continued good in all our business areas.
    Furthermore, it is important that cash flow strengthened as we had indicated."
    Analyst and press conference and conference call
    An analyst and press conference (in Finnish) will be arranged today
    October 24, 2005 at 11.00 a.m. Finnish time at Cargotec's head office,
    Sörnäisten rantatie 23, Helsinki.
    An international telephone conference for analysts and investors will be held at
    4.00 p.m. Finnish time. The conference call phone numbers are the following:
    +1-617-213-8831 (if calling from the U.S.) and +44-20-7365-8426
    (if calling from rest of world). Access code: Cargotec.
    The telephone conference can also be viewed as a live audio webcast through
    the internet pages at starting at 4.00 p.m. Finnish time.
    The full report including tables can be downloaded from the enclosed link.


    Q3 Pro Forma Review