XsunX, Inc. Honored as Finalist in The 2005 World Technology Awards

XsunX Voted Among the Best and Brightest in the Category of Energy

NEW YORK, Oct. 31, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- The World Technology Network (WTN) announced today that XsunX, Inc. (OTCBB:XSNX), developer of Power Glass(tm) -- a solar energy technology that allows glass windows to produce electricity from the power of the sun, has been named a corporate member of the prestigious WTN organization. Every year, WTN members vote on companies who are doing the most innovative work in their field. This year XsunX's technology has been deemed among the most innovative in the world of new energy sources by the WTN.

The WTN is a global meeting ground, a virtual think tank, and an elite club whose members are all focused on the business and science of bringing important emerging technologies of all types into reality. The World Technology Awards honor individuals and corporations from 20 technology-related sectors viewed by their peers as being the most innovative and whose work has the greatest likelihood of long-term significance. As a new 2005 WTN corporate member inductee, XsunX is eligible to be selected as the winner of the 2005 World Technology Award for innovation in new energy sources.

The World Technology Awards, held in association with TIME magazine, CNN, and Science Magazine among others, will take place on November 15th, 2005, in San Francisco, at the World Technology Awards Gala ceremony at San Francisco City Hall. The Gala will conclude the two-day World Technology Summit.

"We are delighted to have been nominated in the category of energy innovation," stated Tom Djokovich, CEO of XsunX. "Our work has focused on the development of new ways for integrating renewable power generating properties onto millions of square feet of modern architectural glass and building facades. We believe that the wide scale use of architectural glass as a power-generating platform provides breakthrough innovation in the application of renewable energy technologies. This recognition and nomination by the WTN helps to validate our work and efforts," concluded Mr. Djokovich.

Nominees for the 2005 World Technology Awards are identified based on an intensive, global process over a period of many months. There are more than 800 nominating members spread out over 60 countries who are primarily WTN Fellows from previous awards cycles.

James P. Clark, founder and chairman of the World Technology Network, stated, "The World Technology Awards program is not only a very inspiring way to identify and honor the most innovative people and organizations in the technology world, but it also is a truly disciplined way for the WTN membership to identify those who will formally join them, as WTN Fellows, as part of our global community. By working to make useful connections among our members, we look forward to assisting XsunX in continuing to help create our collective future and change our world."

A small selection of those WTN members in the 20 different award categories who nominated/judged/voted this year includes:

 Osamu Chisaki, Executive Director, Japan Bioindustry Association 

 Tim Berners-Lee, Director, World Wide Web Consortium

 Niklas Zennstrom, CEO and Founder, Skype

 Gordon Moore, Co-founder, Intel   

 Kilnam Chon, Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and 

 Kristina Goodrich, Executive Director and CEO, Industrial Designers 
 Society of America

 Hal Harvey, Environment Program Director, William & Flora Hewlett 
 Foundation, Former President; The Energy Foundation 

 Lawrence Lessig, Professor, Stanford Law School, Author "The Future 
 Of Ideas"   

 John Logsdon, Director, George Washington University Space Policy 

 Philippe Van Nedervelde, Executive Director, Foresight Institute 

 Calestous Juma, Professor of the Practice of International 
 Development, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

 Elon Must, Chairman and CEO, Spacex

 Gray Shapiro, President, Consumer Electronics Association of America 

 Reshef Tenne, Professor, Department of Materials and Interfaces, 
 Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

 Gregory Stock, Director, Program on Medicine, Technology and Society, 

 Leslie Vadascz, Former President, Intel Capital

 Ann Winblad, Co-Founder, Hummer Winblad Venture Partners    

 Sir Martin Sweeting, Chief Executive, Surrey Satellite Technology 

 Roger Malina, Director, NASA euve observatory

 Richard Dasher, Executive Director, US-ASIA Technology Management 
 Center, Stanford University

 Josh Wolfe, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Lux Capital

 Soumitra Dutta, Dean of Executive Education, Insead    

 Albert Teich, Director, Science and Policy Programs, American 
 Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 

 Daniel Goldin, Chairman, The Intellisis Corporation; Former 
 Administrator, NASA   

 Peter Versteegh, Advisor, Netherlands Agency for Energy & the 

 Molly Coye, President, Health Technology Center

 Bert Keely, Architect, Tablet PC, Microsoft 

 Jim Fruchtermna, President and CEO, The Benetech Initiative 

 Alexandra Weber Morales, Editor in Chief, Software Development 

 Abdul Waheed Khan, Assistant Director-General, Communications and 
 Information, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural 
 Organization (UNESCO)

 Peter Singer, IRA W. Decamp Professor of Bioethics, Princeton 
 University, Arthur Rosenfeld, Commissioner, California Energy 

 Amory Lovins, Co-founder and CEO, Rocky Mountain Institute

For more information on the World Technology Network, World Technology Awards and World Technology Summit, please visit: www.wtn.net

About World Technology Network

The World Technology Network is a New York-headquartered organization that was created to "encourage serendipity" -- happy accidents -- amongst those individuals and companies deemed by their peers to be the most innovative in the science and technology world. The WTN's areas of interest range from IT and communications to biotech, energy, materials, space, as well as related fields such as finance, marketing, policy, law, design, and ethics. Each year WTN members are brought together through an ongoing global series of regional roundtables, global summits, and other events. In 2004, the WTN also convened the World Energy Technologies Summit at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. The WTN also publishes "WTN Update", a monthly collection of news items covering the innovative work of the WTN membership. The central events in the WTN calendar include the annual World Technology Summit and World Technology Awards -- the culmination of a global judging program through which new members are nominated and selected and by which the network grows and is refreshed.

About XsunX

Based in Aliso Viejo, California, XsunX is the developer of Power Glass -- an innovative Building Integrated Photovoltaic solar technology that allows glass windows to produce electricity from the power of the sun. This proprietary process is intended to allow manufacturers to apply a transparent and photovoltaic glazing to glass and other transparent substrates. When XsunX glazing is exposed to light, the light energy is converted into electrical energy for use as a power source. XsunX believes that its solar electric glazing technology has a number of major market opportunities in the worldwide architectural glass, optical film and plastics markets. Please visit the Company's website for more information: http://www.XsunX.com

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