Nokia and ACHNU launch the "Conéctate!" Youth Program in Chile

Santiago, Chile - Nokia and Pro United Nations Chilean Association (ACHNU) have launched a new three-year program, "Conéctate!" - to boost youth development in Chile. Conéctate!, which translates from Spanish as "Get Connected," aims to help young people find employment and reach their potential.
The program provides an innovative combination of training in information technology and "life skills" such as empathy, conflict-resolution, and confidence.  It also draws on partnerships with Chilean industry, to provide internships and align the program with the needs of Chilean employers. The program is not just about helping young people find a job. It is about developing the mixture of technical skills, personal skills, and experience they need to build successful lives, and contribute to the community.
Conéctate! also draws on the expertise of the International Youth Foundation (IYF), as part of the "Make a Connection" program, a global initiative of IYF and Nokia, active in more than 20 countries. Over the past five years, Nokia has committed over $US 23 million to youth development through Make a Connection. 
Conéctate! is directed towards young people and families with limited resources. ACHNU and Nokia hope to share this opportunity with young people who have a lot to offer, but lack the financial means to take the first step. The beneficiaries will be youth, ages 18 to 25, from the Metropolitan and VIII Regions of Chile; specifically, La Florida, Peñalolén, Lo Espejo, San Pedro de la Paz and Chiguayante municipalities.
The program is jointly funded by the Multilateral Investment Fund of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), highlighting the potential that the international community sees in Chilean youth.  ACHNU and Nokia also welcome additional donors, especially from within Chile, to help expand the scale of Conéctate! local government, Chile Califica, and the Chilean National Employment and Training Service SENSE have already provided valuable support to the program.
Patricio Valenzuela of Nokia observed that, "Young people hold the keys to the future. Nokia's aim is to recognize the abilities of Chilean youth, and encourage them to lead and contribute to society. We also believe that strengthening the capacity of valuable organizations like ACHNU is a positive step towards this goal."
Francis Valverde, Executive Director, ACHNU added, "This program seeks to make a difference in the community, and show what young people can achieve.  We believe in Chilean youth, and we look forward to working with Nokia to help them reach their full potential."
About Make a Connection
Make a Connection, launched in 2000, is a global initiative of the International Youth Foundation and Nokia to promote positive youth development by giving young people an opportunity to make a connection to their communities, to their families and peers, and to themselves. The program improves young people's educational opportunities, teaches them life skills, and helps them make a positive contribution to their societies. Over the past five years, Make a Connection has equipped more than 180,000 young people with essential skills for life. Programs are now up and running in 21 countries, each tailored to country-specific needs. More information on Make a Connection can be found at
ACHNU was created in 1991 as a non-profit development organization to promote the rights of children and youth. ACHNU draws on the active participation of youth to put into effect the rights that guarantee their full development and happiness. ACHNU is affiliated with the World Federation of United Nations Associations, and it has consultation status at the United Nations system and as formal representative before the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, CEPAL.  
About the International Youth Foundation
The International Youth Foundation (IYF) is dedicated to supporting programs that improve the conditions and prospects for young people where they live, learn, work, and play. Since its founding in 1990, IYF has worked with hundreds of companies, foundations, and non-governmental organizations to scale up existing programs and build long-term strategic partnerships. Currently operating in close to 70 countries and territories, IYF and its partners have helped millions of young people gain the skills, training and opportunities critical to their success. More information on IYF can be found at
About Nokia
Nokia has a positive impact on society that extends beyond the advanced technology, products and services the company creates. Through its cooperation with the International Youth Foundation and other regional philanthropic and social responsibility programs, the company prepares young people to embrace opportunities created by the global economy and new technological advancements. The company has been an active regional contributor to youth and education causes for many years, with Nokia employees making their own contributions as volunteers in a range of programs throughout the world. More information about Nokia is available at
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