Why Ask Why? -- Author Offers Whimsical, Insightful Answers to Questions Great and Small

KINSTON, N.C., Jan. 16, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- For anyone who has ever pondered why things are the way they are, Othello Leneer Graham has a whole slew of answers. His new book, "Why?": Questions and Answers from a Young Black Male: Tellin' It Like It Is! (now available through AuthorHouse), is an insightful and often humorous chronicle for some of humanity's most peculiar and poignant inquiries.

"This hodgepodge of strange 'why' questions seemed to have no real nor definitive answer until now!" Graham says. "I have successfully tackled 117 quirky conundrums with zeal, vigor and logic."

From "why does having sex feel so good" to "why are policeman obsessed with doughnut shops," Graham tackles those annoying, ponderous inquisitions that often plague people's minds. "Why?" offers "two fervent chapters" and explanations for a score of different subjects. The first chapter, "Potpourri," is comprised of 76 "quaint" questions, which Graham says manifest as a direct result of living. He addresses the minute and humorous inquiries, such as "why do some people tap their feet and smack their food while eating," as well as more serious, heavy hitters, including why so many people seem to be on welfare and why the United States invaded Iraq.

The second chapter, "In Black and White," examines the seemingly glaring differences between the black and white races in America. These 39 "peculiar" questions and answers are "linked to the idiosyncratic mannerisms exhibited in contrast" between the two races. Graham explains why black people like fried chicken and watermelon, why so many black males end up behind bars and why young black people always seem to get into fights when they get together. In addition, he exposes why white people have an apparent affinity for Hondas, convertibles and roof racks, why serial killers are mostly white males and why more white people see UFOs. While most of these questions can be touchy subjects for most people, Graham wears no kid gloves while handling the material.

"I have added more fuel to the fire by intentionally violating the code of moral convention by being politically incorrect," Graham says.

A modern day commentary on societal, domestic, cultural and global perspectives, "Why?" exposes diversified topics and bizarre issues with humor and insight.

Graham holds a master's degree in counselor education and is a member of several distinguished honor societies. He has been an impassioned writer since childhood, but "Why?" is his first published book. Graham says he owes all of his success to God, his mother, Carolyn, and his close knit family.


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