Seven partners start up innovation company

The seven co-working partners behind the new initiative are among the leading ICT companies in Norway and have already proved their success in innovation. They are Birdstep Technology, Comperio, Fast Search & Transfer (FAST), Nera Satcom, Opera Software, Radionor Communications and Telenor. The parties see great opportunities in using the huge demand for advanced services in Norway to encourage further development within this field, as well as enduring and profitable exports.
Innovation may occur in the intersection between different disciplines, and Movation AS shall be an instigator and co-ordinator between the partnering companies. Through interaction between different types of experts the new company will encourage multidisciplinary initiatives and secure good processes and more effective follow-up of the projects.
New ideas and concepts may be realised within the partnering companies whenever  these can be fitted in  with already existing activities, or they may be commercialised through new spin-offs. Movation AS will also seek to cooperate actively with public funding schemes and venture companies in the financing of the projects.
Movation AS is established as a commercially run limited company. The governing structure is unique in that all shareholders have equal governing rights, irrespective of ownership interest.
"There are some very interesting companies in the Norwegian ICT sector. We believe that there is still a huge amount of pent up creativity out there, and we want to use this creativity to secure development and profitability for all parties. The seven partners cover different areas, but we share common challenges and opportunities. It is therefore vital that we work together," says Hans-Christian Haugli, CEO of Telenor R&D and Company Chairman of Movation AS
For more information, please contact
Hans-Christian Haugli, CEO Telenor R&D/Company Chairman of Movation, Tel: +47 993 50 010