Kesko is ranked second in the Company Disclosure and Financial Reports competition

This year the winner was Stora Enso Oyj and with SanomaWSOY Corporation ranking third. Kesko has been ranked among the top three every year since 2002.
The aim of the competition is to promote open and consistent disclosure of information, and to stimulate general interest in its quality. The material under evaluation included the listed companies' stock exchange releases and regular financial reviews, that is, the financial statements, interim reports and annual reports published during the calendar year.
Among the strengths of Kesko's annual report, the evaluation board mentioned its comprehensive content and readability. According to the board, Kesko's regular reviews are clear and news releases well-written.
This year the evaluation focused, above all, on information related to the adoption of the IFRS standards, the general communications policy and the description of the corporate governance principles.
A total of 44 listed companies participated in the competition, 20 of them in the category for globally operating companies and 24 in the category for all listed companies. The competition is open to all companies listed or considering a listing on the Helsinki Stock Exchange.
Further information:
Paavo Moilanen, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications, Kesko Corporation, tel. +358 1053 22764
Jukka Pokki, Investor Relations Manager, Kesko Corporation, tel. +358 1053 22645