Jaakko Pöyry Group strengthens its operations in geotechnical engineering and contaminated soil projecting and research

Soil and Water Ltd, which is part of the Jaakko Pöyry Group's Infrastructure & Environment business group, has acquired 100 per cent of the shares of Savon Tekmi Oy, based in Kuopio, Finland from the owners, Mr. Paavo Korhonen, Mr. Markku Partanen and Mr. Pertti Lipponen. Savon Tekmi Oy has sales of about EUR 0.9 million and a staff of twelve, and it will continue its operations as an independent business unit. The acquisition strengthens Jaakko Pöyry Infra's local operations in eastern Finland.
Founded in 1987, Savon Tekmi Oy is a consulting firm specialised in geotechnical, foundation, and municipal engineering, surveying as well as projecting and research of contaminated soils. The company is the leader in its line of business in eastern Finland. Its major clients are municipalities, commercial and construction firms and other private companies in the area.
The Jaakko Pöyry Group's Infrastructure & Environment business group uses the brand name Jaakko Pöyry Infra. Its net sales for 2005 were EUR 165 million. The business group has offices in 26 countries and employs 2000 experts worldwide.
Satu Perälampi
Investor Relations Manager