Summons to Vaisala Oyj's Annual General Meeting

Vaisala Oyj    Stock Exchange Announcement 27.2.2006 at 8.30   1(1)
Vaisala Oyj's Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday March 23, 2006, at 5 p.m. at the company's head office, Vanha Nurmijärventie 21, 01670 Vantaa.
Right of attendance
Shareholders who are registered in the company's share register maintained by the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd by 13 March 2006 may attend the Annual General Meeting. Shareholders whose shares have not been transferred to the book-entry securities system may also attend the Annual General Meeting provided that such shareholders were registered in the company's share register before 21 October 1994. In such cases, shareholders must present evidence that their shareholding rights have not been transferred to the book-entry securities system.
Documents relating to financial statements and the Board's proposals to the Annual General Meeting are available as copies for the shareholders to see at the company's head office in Vantaa, Vanha Nurmijärventie 21, for a week before the Annual General Meeting. On request, copies will be sent to shareholders.
Notice of attendance
Shareholders wishing to attend the Annual General Meeting must notify the company no later than 4 p.m. on Monday 14 March 2006. Notification can be made either by letter addressed to Vaisala Oyj, Nina Andersin, P.O.Box 26, FIN-00421 Helsinki, Finland, by telefax to +358 9 8949 2206, by e-mail at, or by telephone on weekdays between 9 to 11 a.m., tel. +358 9 8949 2201. Letter authorizing a proxy to vote on behalf of a shareholder should be sent to the company before expiry of the notification.
Election of the members of the Board of Directors and auditors
Two members of the Board of Directors, Mr Pekka Hautojärvi and Mr Mikko Voipio are to retire by rotation. Shareholders representing more than 10 percent of all the votes in the company have informed that they will propose to the Annual General Meeting held on 23 March 2006 that the number of Board members should be five. The Board proposes the re-election of Mr Mikko Voipio, and Mr Stig Gustavson to replace Mr Pekka Hautojärvi. Mr Gerhard Wendt is retiring from the Board for personal reasons. The Board is not proposing any replacement for Mr Wendt.
The Board proposes PriceWaterhouseCoopers Oy and Mr Hannu Pellinen APA, to be selected as Vaisala Oyj's Authorized Public Accountants.
The proposed members of the Board of Directors and the Authorized Public Accountants have given their consent for the election.
The invitation to the Annual General Meeting will be published in Helsingin Sanomat and Kauppalehti newspapers on Monday, 27 February 2006. An English language version will be available on the Vaisala Group homepage on the same day.
Vantaa February 14, 2006
Vaisala Oyj
Board of Directors
Further information:
Tapio Engström, CFO
+358 9 8949 2215 or  +358 400 716 732
Vaisala Oyj
Helsinki Exchanges