2005 an outstanding year for Van Lanschot

  • Net profit up by 51.2% in 2005 to € 152.4 million, partly as a result of the acquisition of CenE Bankiers, earnings per share improve by 36.8% to € 4.65 and amount available to shareholders rises by 18.2% to € 4.99
  • Efficiency ratio improves from 64.5% to 57.3%
  • Successful completion of the integration of CenE Bankiers: sooner than expected, almost all planned cost synergy achieved in 2005
  • Profile as a private bank raised further thanks to innovative investment products and a successful team of analysts
  • Refocused strategy also bearing fruit in the business market
  • Good start to 2006
"The results achieved in 2005 were highly satisfying", said Floris Deckers, chairman of the Board of Managing Directors of Van Lanschot NV. "The acquisition of CenE Bankiers was clearly a sound decision. The acquisition also prompted a further focusing of our strategy, in particular for Van Lanschot as a private bank and a business bank. Our client base grew further in 2005 and the positive effects of the improved stock exchange climate and greater business confidence were also manifest. In 2006, we will continue to move forward vigorously offering active advice to high net-worth private and business clients".
Please open the following link to view the entire press release including all tables and annexes:


Annual Results 2005