The National Competition Authority has today appealed the Stockholm District Court acquittal of Bilia Personbilar AB and seven other authorised Volvo dealers in Skåne and Blekinge.
The appeal will be assessed by the Swedish Market Court, which is the final instance in cases of this type.
The National Competition Authority has requested a postponement until 25 September 2006 to give it time to put together the documentation needed to argue its case and justify the appeal.
“Until we have received the documentation on which the appeal is based and the NCA’s evidence, we have no possibility of commenting on the appeal,” said Bilia’s President and CEO Jan Pettersson.
“However, it is our belief that the district court made a correct and balanced decision.”
Göteborg, 28 June 2006
Bilia AB (publ)
For further information please contact Bilia President and CEO Jan Pettersson, phone +46 31 – 709 55 00