SDG&E Hosts Neighborhood Energy Fair in City Heights


 WHAT:      San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), The City of San Diego,
            City Heights Community Development Corp., La Cuna, Chicano
            Federation, Copley Family YMCA, Athletics for Education
            and City Heights Business Association are hosting a
            neighborhood energy fair in City Heights, which includes
            an energy-efficient light bulb exchange, presentations,
            giveaways, refreshments and more.

            SDG&E's Energy Team has outfitted several homes in City
            Heights with free energy-efficient appliances and
            upgrades. One of these homes will be available to tour.
            The upgrades will help reduce energy consumption and lower
            the customers' energy bills.

            Qualified SDG&E customers will have the opportunity to
            enroll in SDG&E's financial assistance and
            energy-efficiency programs.

 WHERE:     City Heights - Terralta Neighborhood Park, corner of
            Orange Ave. and 40th Street

 WHEN:      Saturday, July 22, 2006, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
            12:30 p.m. - Customer home media tour of home located at
             4163 Central Ave.
            12:45 p.m. - Remarks by Councilmember Toni Atkins and
             energy and water conservation patch presentation to
             Junior Girl Scout troop 3423. Awards will be given to
             several businesses participating in SDG&E's
             energy-efficiency and demand-response programs.

 WHO:       City of San Diego Councilmember Toni Atkins
            Representatives from La Cuna, Copley Family YMCA, Chicano
            Federation, City Heights Community Development Corp. and
            the City Heights Business Association

 VISUALS:   Several hundred City Heights' residents are expected to
            attend. Booths and displays on how to save energy, Girl
            Scouts, various officials, face-painting.

 CONTACT:   Christy Heiser
            San Diego Gas & Electric
            (877) 866-2066
            (858) 740-4431 (cell)