SAN DIEGO, July 26, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Execute Sports, Inc. (OTCBB:EXCS) has just announced that Todd Hahn, CEO, and Todd Pitcher, President, will be joining the Market News First online afternoon radio team for an exclusive interview. The Interview will be held on Wednesday, July 26, 2006, at 12:30pm PST with hosts Andrew Coffey and Dan Lewis.
Execute Sports, Inc. ( is an emerging action sports company, building leading brands for the snowboarding, watersports and wakeskating markets under the Academy Snowboard Co., Execute and Kampus labels, respectively. The Company has also recently announced that it has officially launched the Council to build and develop targeted marketing and research solutions for customers seeking to reach the Gen X and Gen Y demographic.
Just log on to and click on to "Listen Now" on the top right hand corner of the web page to listen to the exclusive interview.
About Execute Sports, Inc.
Based in San Clemente, California, Execute Sports, Inc. develops performance products, including wetsuits, vests, rash guards, snowboards, wakeskates, bindings, bags and apparel for the action sports industry. The Company's brands include Execute Wetsuits, Academy Snowboards, Kampus Wakeskates and Kampus Shoes. In addition, Execute has an exclusive worldwide license to design, produce and distribute EagleRider apparel through EagleRider's 35 franchises and through the Company's eCommerce site, For more information, go to and
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