Pöyry to provide EUR 12.6 million services for mass transit system in Venezuela

Pöyry's Infrastructure & Environment business group has been assigned by C.A. Metro de Valencia to provide extension to implementation services of line 1 of the light rail system in Valencia, Venezuela. The value of the contracts amounts to EUR 12.6 million. The services are to be carried out by the end of 2007.
The services are concerned with civil works design reviews, site supervision and quality management, and supervision and project management of electromechanical supplies and installations. In addition, Pöyry will provide business administration and operation consultancy services. Pöyry has been the client's representative for the transportation system project since 1997. Contracts awarded to date amount to a total of about EUR 22 million.
The first stage of the new metro for the city of Valencia consists of a 6.5-km twin-track underground line along the city's most important north-south axis. The initial capacity of the system will be 10 000 passengers per hour and direction based on a 4-minute headway. Commercial operation of the light rail system is planned to begin on May 31, 2007.
Pöyry has an excellent track record for major transportation projects in Latin America. Projects have been undertaken in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela.
Pöyry is a global consulting and engineering firm focusing on the energy, forest industry and infrastructure & environment sectors. Pöyry's annual net sales amount to about EUR 600 million and it employs 6000 experts.
Erkki Pehu-Lehtonen
President and CEO
Teuvo Salminen
Deputy to President and CEO
Additional information by:
Gerhard Schmitz, Director, Pöyry Infra Latin America
Tel. +41 76 356 2146
Andy Goodwin, President, Business Area Transportation
Tel. +41 76 356 2310
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