Cleaning Up Classroom Air Quality Helped School Reduce Absenteeism by 61 Percent

Average Child Had 11 Fewer Missed School Days Saving an Estimated $500,000 in Medical Costs and Missed Parent Work Days for 385 Student School

WICHITA, Kan., Aug. 17, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Today, 11 U.S. states base school funding on average daily attendance. Other states are considering the same funding approach. What can be done to improve attendance and cut sick days?

Improving indoor air quality by cleaning classroom air of allergens, particulates and odors can do more than reduce illness and absenteeism -- it can even mean more money in some school budgets. In such states, increasing average daily attendance by just 1% in a 400 student elementary school generates over $20,000 in additional funding.

Every school year, there are numerous news stories about mold and other indoor air quality issues in schools and classrooms. These mold problems can triple the incidence of respiratory illnesses. Upper respiratory infections and asthma often have the greatest impact on student illness-related attendance. Reducing or eliminating dust and allergens can not only improve indoor air quality -- but help reduce sick days, too.

"We've talked to many school administrators who know they need to address indoor air quality, but don't know where to begin," says Stan Brannan, president of Purifan Clean Air System ( "Our low-cost, quiet, easy to maintain air cleaning system can be a good option."

The patented Purifan Clean Air System is a ceiling-mounted air cleaner that silently filters 2,000 cubic feet of air per minute through an advanced five-stage filtration system. Two Purifans can clean all the air in a typical classroom once every 90 seconds or 40 times per hour. It removes many common airborne allergens, like mold, pollen, pet dander and dust, found in every classroom regardless of building age, and it also dramatically reduces common classroom odors. Purifans also provide the air-movement and energy-saving benefits of a ceiling fan.

One school's solution

Howard Wilson Elementary School in Leavenworth, Kansas, installed Purifans in 2005 as part of several health-related initiatives. The result of these initiatives: attendance increased from 90.2% to 96.24%. That percentage translates into 23 more students at their desks, every day, or a 61% reduction in absenteeism.

A similar school in Texas, California, Missouri, Oklahoma and Colorado and six other states, which pay about $5,000 to $6,500 per student based on average daily attendance, would have $115,000 more to spend in their annual budget.

"Cleaner classroom air, with reduced allergens, contributed to saving an estimated 4,300 sick days for the children and teachers at Howard Wilson Elementary during the school year," says Brannan. "That's bound to have saved parents and their insurance companies a substantial amount of money that would have been paid for doctor's visits, testing, medicine, missed work days and other expenses."

"Using cost figures quoted in other research studies you can estimate that 4,300 fewer sick-days caused by respiratory illnesses, could save over $500,000 for the families and their employers," added Brannan.

Students will do much better in their studies and on tests if they feel better and have fewer missed school days. Studies even show that poor classroom air quality can lower scores on standardized achievement tests by 11 percent to 17 percent, according to a UCLA study.

Additional savings

The U.S. Department of Education reports the average child misses an average of about 10 school days per year because of illnesses related to common upper respiratory tract infections (URTI). Increased levels of airborne particulates, especially mold, are behind many such infections.

"The cost of one URTI can be $200 to $500 -- and even more if you count a parent missing work," says Brannan. "We know Purifan can help reduce the particulates that trigger such illnesses and repay the investment many times over each year."

Implementing the Purifan system

Purifan offers fund-raising ideas to PTA and parent groups to help schools install Purifans at no cost to the school district. The company also offers evaluation installations and web-based presentations to address questions from school boards, teachers and parents. More than 30,000 Purifans have been installed across the country in all types of harsh indoor air environments, including schools, nursing homes, offices, bars, restaurants, shelters, clinics, waiting rooms, stores and homes.

A Purifan Clean Air System costs $360, plus shipping, taxes and installation. The unit comes in four colors and can accommodate lighting kits.

Purifan also supports the Clean Air for Kids Foundation, This non-profit organization helps raise funds from corporations, private donors and other foundations for air quality improvement products in schools. Contact : 800.686.6131 or email View a presentation regarding school indoor air quality at


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