BioCurex Returns to the OTCBB

RICHMOND, British Columbia, Aug. 22, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- BioCurex Inc. (OTCBB:BOCX) announced today that following the filing of a Form 2C11, the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) has authorized the brokerage firm Lampost Capital L.C. (Boca Raton, FL) to quote BOCX shares on the OTC:BB (Over the Counter Bulletin Board) effective immediately.

Dr. Moro stated: "We are thrilled by this achievement. It is the result of a very lengthy due diligence process that included direct conversations between the NASD and current and prospective future licensees. In a previous update we stated, 'We shall continue this process as many times as it takes, as there is more involved here than just a "better exchange" for trading our shares. There is the vindication aspect that we feel our company, our management team and our shareholders justly deserve.' We have achieved our goal in this arena, as we have done and continue to do in the technical, licensing and finance areas. All this has been accomplished while keeping costs and share dilution at a minimum. We feel vindicated and we thank Lampost for their trust, their efforts and their belief in our potential as a company throughout the time it took to get this listing approved."

Dr. Moro stated, "This is not the last step in our interest to maximize our exposure to the advanced markets. We will continue to seek global coverage of the company since our technology is applicable to all world markets."

BioCurex Management wishes to congratulate and thank the company's shareholders for their support throughout this process

The company also wishes to advise its shareholders of information regarding its approach to the establishment of its patents. To date, the Company has received patents in the U.S.A., Russia, China and Australia. The company submitted a single patent application to the European Patent Office with over 40 claims rather than separate its diagnostic, imaging and therapeutic claims. Recently, the approach has not succeeded with the European Patent Office wherein approval for the single patent application has been denied, although we have not yet received an official response with the details from the EPO. It is the opinion of the attorneys in Europe that gaining approval in a subsequent action is probable once we separate the original claims under different applications in a process called "separation in part."

In addition, the Company is preparing and will file one or more new patents covering inventions developed in the past few moths. These inventions mainly relate to the RECAF blood tests and could extend our patent protection for another 17-20 years. These patents will not only be filed in Europe but also in the U.S.A. and other countries.

Finally, it is important to realize that the RECAF technology is very complex. Development of the technology is very tricky such that the proprietary "know how" in working with the RECAF family of molecules is critical and beyond the basic patent information. The company always includes this "know-how" in its licensing packages, and therefore can obtain significant royalties even in countries where there is no patent protection.

About BioCurex:

BioCurex, Inc. is a biotechnology company that is developing products based on patented/proprietary technology in the areas of cancer diagnosis, imaging and therapy. The technology identifies a cancer marker known as RECAF(tm), which is found on malignant cells from a variety of cancer types but is absent in most normal or benign cells.

BioCurex has signed a licensing agreement with Abbott Laboratories for BioCurex's RECAF(tm) Cancer technology as outlined in a joint press release dated March 29, 2005. The release noted that the cancer marker RECAF(tm) has emerged as a potential biomarker that may be useful in the development of new cancer diagnostics tests. Preliminary studies from the investigators at BioCurex have reported a high level of clinical sensitivity and specificity for RECAF in many of the most common cancers, including prostate, breast, colorectal, lung and others.

To read more about the Company, please visit the News section in our web site (


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