Financial information in 2007

Vaisala Oyj Stock Exchange Announcement 4.9.2006 at 11.15 a.m.
Financial information in 2007
Vaisala will publish its 2006 Financial Statements on February 13, 2007. The printed Financial Statements and the electronic Annual Report on the Vaisala website ( will be available during week 10 inMarch 2007.
The publication dates for the three Interim Reports for 2007 are May 7 (1 st quarter), August 7 (2nd quarter) and October 31 (3rd quarter).
The Annual General Meeting will be held on March 22, 2007, at Vaisala Oyj's head office in Vantaa, Finland.
Further information:
Jouni Lintunen, CFO, tel. +358 9 8949 2215 or +358 405790181
Vaisala Oyj
Helsinki Exchanges