SDG&E Customers Can Learn How to Save Money, Energy at Chula Vista Conservation Event


 WHAT:     San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), in partnership with the
           City of Chula Vista, is hosting an Energy Conservation
           Event to help residents learn how to save energy and money.
           As part of the City of Chula Vista's conservation event,
           SDG&E will host a light bulb "turn in" booth where its
           Chula Vista customers can exchange their inefficient light
           bulbs and lamps for new, energy-saving light bulbs and
           lamps for free.  Customers can also sign up for SDG&E's
           financial assistance programs including the CARE program
           where they can save 20 percent on their bill if they
           qualify, visit with its safety mascot Louie the Lightning
           Bug and watch Chula Vista Girl Scouts receive awards for
           energy-efficiency efforts.

 WHEN:     Saturday, Oct. 14, 2006
           10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

 WHO:      Chula Vista Councilmembers Steve Castaneda, Patricia Chavez
           and Deputy Mayor John McCann.

 WHERE:    Civic Center Branch Library parking lot
           365 F Street in Chula Vista

 VISUALS:  Dozens of Chula Vista residents are expected to attend.
           Additional event visuals include information booths about
           energy efficiency, financial assistance and rebate
           programs, and a visit from "Louie the Lighting Bug",
           SDG&E's safety mascot that helps children play it safe
           around electricity.  Booths and displays on how to save
           energy, along with environmental information.  Girl Scouts
           and city officials will also be on hand.


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