JetBlue Announces 6.6 Percent Operating Margin for Third Quarter 2006

NEW YORK, Oct. 24, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- JetBlue Airways Corporation (Nasdaq:JBLU) today reported its results for the third quarter 2006:

  -- Operating revenues for the quarter totaled $628 million,
     representing growth of 38.7% over operating revenues of
     $453 million in the third quarter of 2005.

  -- Operating income for the quarter was $41 million, resulting in
     a 6.6% operating margin, compared to operating income of
     $14 million and a 3.1% operating margin in the third quarter
     of 2005.

  -- Pre-tax income for the quarter was $1.3 million, compared with a
     loss of $3.7 million in the year ago period.

  -- Net loss for the quarter was $0.5 million, representing
     earnings of $0.00 per diluted share, compared with third quarter
     2005 net income of $2.7 million, or $0.02 per diluted share.

"Results this quarter demonstrate our crewmembers' success in their ongoing focus on cost control, as we work to maximize productivity and institutionalize low-cost carrier spending habits throughout our airline. Unfortunately, the revenue environment during the quarter remained challenging as we continued our new market expansion and saw lower than expected overall demand due in part to security related concerns," said David Neeleman, CEO of JetBlue. "The company has made the prudent decision to reduce our rate of growth over the next three years through a reduction in both our Airbus 320 fleet and our EMBRAER 190 fleet. We believe this will enable us to be more strategic about our aircraft deployment, generate a higher level of earnings, strengthen our balance sheet and improve our cash position. With revised capacity next year expected to increase between 14 and 17 percent, we remain committed to profitable growth and to bringing our high quality product to new and existing customers." Specific information will be available at a later point in time.

Dave Barger, JetBlue's COO and President, commented, "We're excited about the opportunities ahead following a reduction in our rapid rate of growth. Importantly, we intend to achieve this revision while working hard to preserve and improve our internal culture, which remains our single greatest asset."

During the third quarter of 2006, JetBlue achieved a completion factor of 99.6 % of scheduled flights versus 99.4% in the third quarter of 2005. On-time performance, defined by the US Department of Transportation as arrivals within 14 minutes of schedule, was 74.6% in the third quarter of 2006 compared to 72.2% for the same period in 2005. The company attained a load factor in the third quarter of 2006 of 80.4%, a decrease of 6.2 points on a capacity increase of 19.0% over the third quarter of 2005.

For the third quarter, yield per passenger mile was 9.72 cents, up 23.5% compared to 2005. Operating revenue per available seat mile (RASM) increased 16.5% year-over-year to 8.33 cents. Revenue passenger miles increased 10.5% from the third quarter of 2005 to 6.1 billion. Available seat miles grew 19.0% to 7.54 billion. Operating expenses for the third quarter were $587 million, up 33.7% from the third quarter of 2005. Operating expense per ASM (CASM) for the third quarter 2006 increased 12.3% year-over-year to 7.79 cents, while average stage length decreased 18.2%. Excluding fuel, CASM increased 4.7% to 4.98 cents. During the quarter, realized fuel price was $2.12 per gallon, a 24.3% increase over third quarter 2005 realized fuel price of $1.70. JetBlue ended the third quarter with $456 million in cash and investment securities.

Looking ahead, for the fourth quarter of 2006, JetBlue expects to report an operating margin between six and eight percent assuming an all-in aircraft fuel cost per gallon of $1.94. Pre-tax margin for the quarter is expected to be between one and three percent. Cost per available seat mile (CASM) is expected to increase between six and eight percent over the year-ago period, at the assumed $1.94 aircraft fuel cost per gallon. Excluding fuel, CASM in the fourth quarter is expected to increase between five and seven percent year over year. Capacity is expected to increase between 13 and 15 percent in the fourth quarter and stage length is expected to decrease roughly 18% over the same period last year.

JetBlue will conduct a conference call to discuss its quarterly earnings today, October 24, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time. A live broadcast of the conference call will be available via the World Wide Web at

About JetBlue

In the six years since its launch, JetBlue Airways has focused on creating a new airline category -- an airline that offers value, service and style. Based out of New York City, the low-cost carrier currently serves 47 destinations with up to 470 flights daily. Onboard JetBlue, customers enjoy roomy leather seats and 36 channels of free DIRECTV(r) programming (See note), the most live TV available on any airline. On flights longer than two hours, a selection of first-run movies and bonus features from FOX InFlight(tm) is also available. JetBlue offers customers generous brand name snacks and beverages, including freshly brewed Dunkin' Donuts(r) coffee, and delicious wines selected by the airline's Low Fare Sommelier, Josh Wesson from Best Cellars(r). On overnight flights from the West, the airline now offers Shut-Eye Service(tm), with a comfort kit designed exclusively for JetBlue by Bliss Spa and other special amenities including a "good morning" hot towel service. With JetBlue, all seats are assigned, all travel is ticketless, all fares are one-way, and an overnight stay is never required. For information or reservations call 1-800-JETBLUE (1-800-538-2583) or visit

The JetBlue logo is available at

Note: DIRECTV(r) service is not available on flights outside the continental United States; however, where applicable FOX InFlight(tm) is offered complimentary on these routes. FOX InFlight(tm) is a trademark of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. JetBlue's in-flight entertainment is powered by LiveTV, a wholly owned subsidiary of JetBlue.

This press release contains statements of a forward-looking nature which represent our management's beliefs and assumptions concerning future events. Forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions, and are based on information currently available to us. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements due to many factors, including, without limitation, our extremely competitive industry; increases in fuel prices, maintenance costs and interest rates; our ability to implement our growth strategy, including the integration of the EMBRAER 190 aircraft into our operations; our significant fixed obligations; our ability to attract and retain qualified personnel and maintain our culture as we grow; our reliance on high daily aircraft utilization; our dependence on the New York metropolitan market; our reliance on automated systems and technology; our being subject to potential unionization; our reliance on a limited number of suppliers; changes in or additional government regulation; changes in our industry due to other airlines' financial condition; and external geopolitical events and conditions. Further information concerning these and other factors is contained in the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to, the Company's 2005 Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. We undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this release.

          (in millions, except share and per share amounts)

                 Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                    September 30,             September 30,
                  ----------------- Percent  ----------------  Percent
                    2006     2005   Change    2006     2005    Change
                  -------  -------  ------   -------  -------  ------
   Passenger      $   589  $   432    36.5   $ 1,631  $ 1,200    35.9
   Other               39       21    82.6        99       55    77.5
                  -------  -------           -------  -------
    Total operating
     revenues         628      453    38.7     1,730    1,255    37.8

  Salaries, wages
   and benefits       140      108    29.3       406      312    30.2
  Aircraft fuel       212      138    53.5       564      336    68.0
  Landing fees and
   other rents         42       27    53.8       117       80    45.7
  Depreciation and
   amortization (a)    32       30     8.8       103       81    28.5
  Aircraft rent        27       18    49.5        74       54    36.8
  Sales and
   marketing           27       22    23.1        77       61    24.8
   materials and
   repairs             22       19    11.5        66       47    40.1
  Other operating
   expenses            85       77    11.5       260      205    26.7
                  -------  -------           -------  -------
    Total operating
     expenses         587      439    33.7     1,667    1,176    41.7
                  -------  -------           -------  -------

 OPERATING INCOME      41       14   197.4        63       79   (20.8)

   margin            6.6%     3.1%  3.5 pts.    3.6%     6.3% (2.7)pts.

   Interest expense   (45)     (28)   58.3      (124)     (74)   66.9
    interest            7        3    85.6        19       11    67.7
   Interest income
    and other          (2)       7  (130.8)       21       15    39.9
                  -------  -------           -------  -------
    Total other
     (expense)        (40)     (18)  127.4       (84)     (48)   75.3
                  -------  -------           -------  -------
  TAXES                 1       (4)              (21)      31
   Income tax
    (benefit)           1       (7)               (3)       9
                  -------   -------          -------  -------
  (LOSS)          $    --  $     3           $   (18) $    22
                  =======  =======           =======  =======
   Basic          $    --  $  0.02           $ (0.11) $  0.14
                  =======  =======           =======  =======
   Diluted        $    --  $  0.02           $ (0.11) $  0.13
                  =======  =======           =======  =======

 Weighted average
  shares outstanding
   Basic          175,569  158,041           174,538  157,313

   Diluted        175,569  166,239           174,538  165,856



                 Three Months Ended          Nine Months Ended
                    September 30,                 June 30,                
                   ----------------  Percent  ----------------  Percent
                     2006    2005    Change   2006    2005      Change
                   -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
 Revenue passengers
  (thousands)        4,773    3,783    26.2    13,633   10,879    25.3
 Revenue passenger
  miles (millions)   6,062    5,484    10.5    17,522   15,043    16.5
 Available seat
  miles (ASMs)
  (millions)         7,537    6,332    19.0    21,316   17,347    22.9

 Load factor        80.4%    86.6%  (6.2)pts   82.2%    86.7%  (4.5)pts

 Breakeven load
  factor (b)        79.7%    87.4%  (7.7)pts   83.3%    84.2%  (0.9)pts
  (hours per day)     12.7     13.7    (6.9)     12.9     13.6    (5.2)

 Average fare      $123.41  $114.08     8.2   $119.63  $110.28     8.5
 Yield per
  mile (cents)        9.72     7.87    23.5      9.31     7.97    16.7
 Passenger revenue                           
  per ASM (cents)     7.82     6.82    14.7      7.65     6.92    10.6
 Operating revenue                           
  per ASM (cents)     8.33     7.15    16.5      8.11     7.24    12.1
 Operating expense                           
  per ASM (cents)     7.79     6.93    12.3      7.82     6.78    15.3
 Operating expense                           
  per ASM, excluding                         
  fuel (cents)        4.98     4.75     4.7      5.17     4.84     6.8
 Airline operating                           
  expense per ASM                            
  (cents)(b)          7.74     6.87    12.6      7.76     6.72    15.5
 Departures         42,311   28,104    50.6   114,416   81,123    41.0
 Average stage                               
  length (miles)     1,181    1,444   (18.2)    1,224    1,371   (10.7)
 Average number of                           
  operating aircraft                         
  during period      112.0     79.2    41.5     103.4     74.8    38.2
 Average fuel cost                           
  per gallon       $  2.12  $  1.70    24.3   $  2.02  $  1.52    33.3
 Fuel gallons                                
  (millions)           100       81    23.6       279      222    26.0
 Percent of sales                            
  during period     78.7%    77.7%  1.0 pts    80.1%    77.2%   2.9 pts
  employees at
  period end (b)                                9,223    7,452    23.8

 (in millions)

                                         September 30,    December 31,
                                             2006             2005
                                         -------------    ------------
 Cash, cash equivalents and
  investment securities                     $     456       $    484
 Total assets                                   4,429          3,892
 Total debt, including capital
  lease obligation                              2,560          2,326
 Stockholders' equity                             917            911

 (in millions, except as otherwise noted)

                                       Three Months      Nine Months
                                          Ended             Ended
                                       September 30,     September 30,
                                           2006              2006
                                       ------------      ------------
 Fuel Neutral Operating Expenses
  to Prior Period
   Operating expenses as reported          $   587          $ 1,667
   Less: Reported aircraft fuel               (212)            (564)
   Add: Aircraft fuel at prior
    period cost per gallon                     171              423
      Profit sharing impact                      6               18
                                       -------------     ------------
   Fuel neutral operating expenses             552            1,544
   Fuel neutral operating margin              12.1%            10.7%
   Fuel neutral operating expense
    per ASM (cents)                           7.32             7.24

                                              Three Months Ended
                                              September 30, 2006
                                              $               CASM
                                         -------------    ------------

 Operating Expenses per ASM, Excluding 
  Fuel and Gain on Sale of Aircraft
   Operating expenses as reported              587            7.79
      Add:  Gain on sale of aircraft             7            0.09
                                         -------------    ------------
      Operating expenses excluding
       gain on sale of aircraft                594            7.88
      Less: Reported aircraft fuel            (212)          (2.81)
                                         -------------    ------------
       Operating expenses excluding
        fuel and gain on sale of
        aircraft                               382            5.07

 (a) During the three months ended September 30, 2006, we sold two
     Airbus A320 aircaft resulting in a gain of $7 million.

 (b) Excludes operating expenses and employees of LiveTV, LLC,
     which are unrelated to our airline operations.

 (c) In management's view, comparative analysis of period-to-period
     operating results can be enhanced by excluding the gain on the
     sale of aircraft and the significant volatility in the price of
     aircraft fuel, the latter of which is subject to many economic
     and political factors that are beyond our control, in addition to
     the impact of hedging activities. We believe that the
     presentation of these non-GAAP financial measures is useful to
     management and investors because it is more indicative of our
     ability to manage our costs and also assists in understanding the
     significant impact that fuel prices have had, and continue to
     have, on our operations. Investors should consider these non-GAAP
     financial measures in addition to, and not as a substitute for,
     our financial performance measures prepared in accordance with


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