Metso to supply world's largest railcar unloading equipment to Caofeidian Port in China

Metso Minerals will supply two lines of quadruple rotary railcar dumpers to China Communications Construction Group Ltd. for Caofeidian Port in Hebei province, China. The delivery will be completed within the second quarter of 2008. The value of the order is approximately EUR 10 million.
The order comprises two lines of railcar dumpers consisting of an indexer and a rotary dumper that rotates four railcars at a time. The order also comprises engineering, design and start-up services. Both dumper lines will be capable of unloading trains at the rate of 112 rail wagons per hour. For coal, this translates into an unloading rate of over 8,640 tonnes per hour per line, which is the largest rail car unloading equipment for coal in the world. Caofeidian will be the first port in the world to operate quadruple railcar dumpers.
Located 100 kilometers southeast of Tangshan City, Caofeidian Port is the most important industry center in Northern China. It supports the transportation of coal from Northern China to the power stations in the South. Once the delivery has been completed, the port will be able to transport of 50 million tonnes of coal per year.
Metso is a global engineering and technology corporation with 2005 net sales of approximately EUR 4.2 billion. Its 22,000 employees in more than 50 countries serve customers in the pulp and paper industry, rock and minerals processing, the energy industry and selected other industries.
For further information, please contact:
David Hicken, General Manager, Minerals Processing, Metso Minerals (UK) Ltd.,
tel. + 44 117 978 6203
Steve Wang, Minerals Processing Sales Manager, Metso Minerals China Region,
tel. +86 10 6566 6600