Kinepolis Lomme to broadcast preview of American super-production 'Déjà vu' to France and Belgium

On Wednesday 6 December at 20:30, part of the cast of 'Déjà vu' will ascend the red carpet of France's largest cinema complex, Kinepolis Le Château du Cinéma in Lomme (Lille). Using digital technology, the Kinepolis Group will be simultaneously broadcasting the arrival of the stars and the 'meet and greet' with the public in Lomme to a large number of Belgian and French Kinepolis cinemas. From Brussels to Nîmes and from Liege to Mulhouse, some 5000 visitors will enjoy this technological tour de force live. 
Premiere for Kinepolis
The fact that Buena Vista International chose Kinepolis Lomme to preview the new Tony Scott action thriller 'Déjà vu' is a premiere for France. It is the first time that American actors will attend a preview in France outside of Paris: a significant boost for the Kinepolis Group, which will be putting all of its technological expertise to use for the event. The entire happening (from the introduction in the auditorium in Lomme by a journalist to the walk down the red carpet by the cast, and the 'meet and greet' with the audience in Lomme) will be broadcast live to a large number of Belgian and French Kinepolis complexes. All of this thanks to the digital technology of Kinepolis.
In bringing this super-production to Lomme, the Kinepolis Group had two trump cards it was able to play: the digital technology being used and its considerable experience in organising such events. Concerning the digital technology, Kinepolis Group is among a select group of cinemas in the world capable of providing digital cinema. It uses revolutionary DLP (Digital Light Processing) technology to broadcast the HDDC productions. The group has a large number of digital projectors in Belgium, France and Spain. In addition to digital Hollywood productions, film fans can now also experience alternative content in digital format such as prestigious events, television series, live concerts, sporting events and gaming on the big screen.