Outokumpu Technology and R&D Carbon Ltd. agree on cooperation

Outokumpu Technology and the Swiss-based R&D Carbon Ltd. have agreed on close cooperation in the field of anode manufacturing technology for the primary aluminum industry.
Outokumpu Technology is a global leader in minerals and metals processing technologies and has over 50 years experience in supplying green anode plants for aluminum smelters with a track record of over 40 plants installed worldwide.
R&D Carbon Ltd. is specializing in carbon technology and is recognized by the industry as a leader in carbon technology. The company has extensive know-how in the utilization of carbon materials for the production of high quality anodes.
With this cooperation the two companies will reinforce their market leadership in providing advanced concepts and technologies for cost competitive anode plants for the aluminum industry.
For further information please contact:
Outokumpu Technology GmbH
Michael Ströder, Vice President - Metals Processing, Aluminum Technologies
Tel. +49 6171 9693 223
E-mail: michael.stroeder(at)outokumputechnology.com
Outokumpu Technology Oyj
Eila Paatela, Vice President - Corporate Communications
Tel. +358 20 529 2004, mobile +358 400 817198
E-mail: eila.paatela(at)outokumputechnology.com