Pöyry's Energy business group has signed an agreement with UPM-Kymmene Corporation's Kymi mills for engineering, procurement and construction services for a tall oil plant. The value of the assignment is not disclosed.
The assignment comprises a crude tall oil plant based on the HDS® (Hydro Dynamic Separation) technology, which is Pöyry Energy Oy's proprietary know-how. Similar equipment has so far been installed in 18 modern pulp mills in Europe, Canada and China. Currently, Pöyry has two similar projects in progress, one in Finland the other in Sweden. Key features of the plant include high yield and product quality, good operating reliability and low maintenance costs.
The tall oil project relates to UPM's rebuild of the chemical recovery plant at its Kymi pulp mill, where two outdated chemical recovery lines will be replaced by one modern line. The rebuilt recovery plant is scheduled to go on stream during summer 2008. This EUR 325 million investment is aimed at securing the Kymi paper mill's pulp supply and its development as a competitive integrated fine paper mill. The investment will also increase the mill's energy efficiency and reduce fossil carbon dioxide emissions.
Pöyry is a global consulting and engineering firm focusing on the energy, forest industry and infrastructure & environment sectors. Pöyry's annual net sales amount to about EUR 600 million and it employs 6000 experts.
Satu Perälampi
Investor Relations Manager
Additional information by:
Ari Asikainen, President, Business Area Power and Heat, Energy Business Group
Tel. +358 10 33 24476
Jorma Kotakorpi, Vice President, EPC Projects, Pöyry Energy Oy, Finland
Tel. +358 10 33 24557
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