Exercise of over-allotment option for Lindab International AB

This announcement is not an offer for sale of shares in Lindab.  Shares in Lindab have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act") and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act.  Any public offering of shares in Lindab will be made by means of a prospectus that may be obtained from Lindab and management and that will contain detailed information about Lindab and management, as well as financial statements.  Lindab and the selling shareholders do not intend to register the securities or conduct a public offering in the United States.

Lindab International AB ("Lindab") announces that Handelsbanken Capital Markets, Morgan Stanley & Co. International Limited and SEB Enskilda have given notice that they are exercising the over-allotment option for 3,935,391 ordinary shares which was granted by Ratos AB, Skandia Liv and the Sixth AP Fund in connection with the initial public offering of 35,418,519 ordinary shares in Lindab. The exercise of the  over-allotment option means that a total of 39,353,910 ordinary shares, representing 50 percent of  the outstanding shares in Lindab, have been sold in connection with the initial public offering.
Handelsbanken Capital Markets and Morgan Stanley and Co. International Ltd acted as Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners of the offering.  SEB Enskilda acted as Co-Lead Manager of the offering.
Kjell Åkesson, CEO
Email: kjell.akesson@lindab.com
Tel. +46 (0)431 850 00
Nils-Johan Andersson, CFO
Tel. +46 (0)431 850 00
Anders Persson, HR & IR director
Tel. +46 (0)431 850 00
Lindab is an international group that develops, manufactures and markets sheet metal products and system solutions for the construction sector.
The two main business areas are Profile and Ventilation.
The Profile business area focuses on the construction industry, offering an extensive range of construction components and complete building systems for both commercial and residential properties.
The Ventilation business area focuses on the ventilation industry, offering components and systems solutions, with the main products falling under the area of circular duct systems and indoor climate systems.
The Lindab group has approximately 4,500 employees in 28 countries and generated sales of SEK 6,214 million in 2005. Its head office is located in Grevie near Bastad in southwestern Sweden.