no 05/07 Adjustment of margins for EU allowances

Nord Pool Clearing hereby notifies the clearing members of an increase in the risk intervals for phase one EU allowances, EUAMAR-07 and EUADEC-07, giving a higher margin for the contracts.  

Lysaker, 9 January 2007

In addition, the correlation matrix affecting netting between EUA contracts will be updated. 

The adjustments are in accordance with the clearing rules for EU allowances. 

The changes will have impact on the calculation of daily margin calls, for which collateral must be posted by 11:00 a.m. on Thursday 11 January 2007.
For further information, please contact Nord Pool Clearing: 

Trond Svensgaard, head of risk management, 
phone:+47 67 10 84 12/+47 90 12 36 79

Kristian Kloster, risk management, 
phone: +47 67 10 84 15/+47 95 93 18 81