Admission to listing on Eurolist by Euronext Brussels of 1,767,184 new shares of UCB issued

in the context of UCB's public tender offer on the shares of SCHWARZ PHARMA AG
Brussels (Belgium) - January 8, 2007 - UCB SA/NV ("UCB") announces that 1,767,184 new UCB shares have been issued today to the benefit of the shareholders of SCHWARZ PHARMA AG ("Schwarz Pharma") who have tendered their shares during the second acceptance period of its public offer on all outstanding shares of Schwarz Pharma, as announced on 25 September 2006.  This second acceptance period ended on 28 December 2006. The shares have been created by means of a capital increase unanimously approved by UCB's General Shareholders' Meeting of 23 October 2006.
The new capital of UCB will amount to 549,839,856 euros, represented by 183,279,952 UCB shares. In the context of its tender offer on the shares of Schwarz Pharma, UCB increased in two tranches its capital by 25.58% in total.
Based on UCB's share price at closing on 5 January 2007 (51.50 euros), UCB's market capitalisation would today amount to 9.4 billion euros.
Euronext approved the admission to listing of the new shares on 8 January 2007. These shares will be listed on Eurolist by Euronext Brussels as from the same date and will be traded under the same codes as the existing UCB shares. (ISIN: BE0003739530 - Stock Exchange symbol: UCB).
For more information, reference is made to the offer document relating to the public takeover offer by UCB and UCB SP GmbH to the shareholders of Schwarz Pharma, which is available on the website of UCB []. The CBFA has decided that the offer document constitutes information which is equivalent to the information which needs to be provided in a listing prospectus, in accordance with article 18 § 2 c) of the Belgian Law of 16 June 2006.
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About UCB
Headquartered in Brussels (Belgium), UCB ( is a leading global biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the research, development and commercialisation of innovative pharmaceutical and biotechnology products in the fields of central nervous system disorders, allergy/respiratory diseases, immune and inflammatory disorders and oncology - UCB focuses on securing a leading position in severe disease categories. Employing over 8,300 people in 40 countries, UCB achieved revenue of 2.3 billion euro in 2005. UCB is listed on the Euronext Brussels Exchange.
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