BENEFON OYJ BULLETIN         12.1.2007 at 16:15 hrs.         


The Board of Directors of Benefon Oyj has  decided  to  convene  an  Extraordinary
General Meeting of the Shareholders on Thursday, February 1, 2007  at  11.00.  The
meeting shall be held at Benefon's main office  in  Salo,  address  Meriniitynkatu
11, 24100 Salo.

The following issues shall be handled in the meeting:

1. Granting Board of Directors new authorization to issue  shares  and  decide  on
share capital increase

The  Board  proposes  that  the  general  meeting  would  decide   to   grant   an
authorization to the Board within one (1) year from the date  of  the  meeting  to
decide on the increase of share capital by at maximum EUR 526,832.71 and on  issue
of new investment series shares, option rights or  specific  rights  in  terms  of
Article 1 of Chapter 10 of the Companies Act in  one  or  more  installments  such
that the maximum number of new investment series shares issued is 52,683,271.  The
authorization would entitle the Board  of  Directors  to  deviate  from  the  pre-
emptive right of shareholders and also accept set-off or  other  consideration  in
kind as a payment for the shares, option rights or specific rights. The  Board  of
Directors would have the right to decide the terms of any issue by virtue  of  the
authorization for all other parts.

The Board also proposes that the  current  authorization  granted  by  the  annual
general meeting of May 24th 2006 is at the same  cancelled  for  the  then  unused

2. Amending articles 4 and 5 of the Articles of Association

To enable increasing the number of outstanding shares the Board proposes that  the
articles 4 and 5 of the Articles of Association are amended such that the  maximum
number of all  shares  (article  4)  in  increased  from  current  500,000,000  to
1,000,000,000 and maximum number of investment  series  shares  (article  5)  from
current 500,000,000 to 1,000,000,000.

3. Amending the terms of option rights 2005A-C issued on September 5, 2005

Relating to Tomi Raita's appointment to the CEO of the company from December  15th
2006 onwards the Board has decided to propose certain amendments to the  terms  of
option rights 2005A-C  issued  and  directed  by  the  decision  of  extraordinary
general meeting of September 5th 2005. The Board proposes the  said  option  terms
to be amended such that all conditions restricting the right  to  use  the  option
rights shall be removed allowing  exercise  of  option  rights  during  the  share
subscription period. At the same the Board proposes the share subscription  period
to be amended such that for the  option  rights  2005A  and  2005C  it  begins  on
December 15th 2008 and ends on December 31st 2012 and for the option rights  2005B
it begins on August 15th 2007 and ends on December 31st  2012.  For  the  sake  of
clarity it is noted that the original preconditions for the use of  option  rights
2005B have already been fulfilled. The terms of option  rights  shall  remain  for
all other parts unchanged.

Documents on view

Copies of the documents concerning the financial statements and the  proposals  of
the Board of Directors are available for shareholders to  view  from  January  25,
2007 onwards at the company  headquarters  in  Salo,  address  Meriniitynkatu  11,
24100 Salo, Finland. The company will provide copies  of  the  said  documents  to
shareholders  upon  request  against  reimbursement  of  reasonable  copying   and
delivery costs.

Right to participate

Shareholder, who has  been  registered  in  the  company's  shareholder  register,
maintained by the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd on  January  23,  2007
has the right to participate in the General Meeting. In addition,  a  shareholder,
whose shares have not been transferred to the book-entry system, has the right  to
participate in  the  General  Meeting  provided  that  the  shareholder  had  been
registered in the company share register before October 7,  1994.  In  such  event
the shareholder must present at the General Meeting his/her share  certificate  or
other documentation indicating that title to the shares has not  been  transferred
to the book-entry securities account.

Notice of participation

Shareholder that wishes to participate in the General Meeting must notify  his/her
participation by January 30, 2007 at 12.00 at latest to company's main  office  by
telephone +358-2-77400 (Minna Suokas), by telefax at  +358-2-7332633,  in  writing
to   Benefon   Oyj,   PL   84,   24101   Salo,   Finland,   or   by    email    to Proxies are requested to be delivered by the end  of  the
above registration period.

Salo, January 12th 2007


Board of Directors

Tomi Raita

For more information, please contact:
Tomi Raita, CEO, tel. +358-2-77400

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