Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of 17 January 2007

AS Tallink Grupp     Stock Exchange Release       17.01.2007
Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of 17 January 2007

There   were   shareholders  having  102   443   318   votes
representing at the Annual General Meeting, 60,81% of  total
of the votes represented by shares of AS Tallink Grupp.

Resolutions adopted at the meeting:

1.  Approval of the Annual Report of 01.09.2005 - 31.08.2006
of AS Tallink Grupp.
Based  on  §  298 section 1 subsection 7, of the  Commercial
Code the General Meeting resolved:
Approve the Annual Report of 01.09.2005 - 31.08.2006  of  AS
Tallink Grupp.

Tabulation of votes:
In favor: 102 442 637 votes (100 % of the represented votes)
Against: 0 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Impartial: 255 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Did not vote: 426 votes

2. Distribution of profits.
Based  on  §  298 section 1 subsection 7 and §  335  of  the
Commercial Code, the General Meeting resolved:
1) To distribute from the net profits of the accounting year
01.09.2005  – 31.08.2006, totaling to 1 484 206 000  kroons,
into  the mandatory legal reserve capital 74 210 300 kroons,
whereupon  the  mandatory  legal  reserve  capital  will  be
totaling  to  101 710 300 kroons, and the rest  of  the  sum
1  409 995 700 kroons to enter into the retained earnings of
prior accounting periods.
2)  Not to distribute dividends to the shareholders from the

Tabulation of votes:
In favor: 102 441 731 votes (100 % of the represented votes)
Against: 634 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Impartial: 527 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Did not vote: 426 votes

3.  Awarding  a  bonus for the Members  of  the  Supervisory
Based on § 298 section 2 of the Commercial Code, the General
Meeting resolved:
To  award a bonus to the members of the Supervisory Board as
Lauri  Kustaa  Äimä 100 000 kroons, Ain Hanschmidt  100  000
kroons, Toivo Ninnas 50 000 kroons, Eve Pant 100 000 kroons.

Tabulation of votes:
In favor: 102 432 819 votes (99,99 % of the represented
Against: 0 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Impartial: 9873 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Did not vote: 626 votes

4. Amending the Articles of Association.
Based on § 298 section 1 subsection 1, § 341 section 3 and §
349 of the Commercial Code, the General Meeting resolved:
1)  To alter the clause 2.1 of Articles of Association of AS
Tallink Grupp and reword it as follows:
“The  amount  of  the minimum share capital of  the  company
shall  be  5 000 000 000 (five billion) kroons. The  maximum
capital  of  the  company shall be 20 000  000  000  (twenty
billion) kroons.”
2) To alter the second sentence of clause 2.4 of Articles of
Association of AS Tallink Grupp and reword it as follows:
“Supervisory Board shall be authorized within two year  from
01  March 2007, to increase the share capital by 400 000 000
kroons  increasing the share capital up to  7  138  170  400

Tabulation of votes:
In favor: 102 440 596 votes (100 % of the represented votes)
Against: 196 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Impartial: 1950 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Did not vote: 576 votes

5. Increasing the Share Capital by way of a bonus issue.
Based  on § 350 of the Commercial Code, the General  Meeting
On  the bases of the approved Annual Report of 01.09.2005  -
31.08.2006  and  of the profit distribution  resolution,  to
increase the share capital by way of a bonus issue upon  the
following terms and conditions:
1)  To  increase  the share capital from the  share  premium
(3  208  578  400 kroons) and the retained earnings  of  the
prior  accounting  periods (1 845 049  400  kroons)  without
making  additional contributions (bonus issue) by 5 053  627
800 kroons issuing 3 new shares with nominal value 10 kroons
for  each existing share. Total 505 362 780 new shares shall
be  issued. As a result of the bonus issue the share capital
shall  increase from 1 684 542 600 kroons to 6 738  170  400
2)  The  shareholders  who  are entered  into  the  list  of
shareholders of AS Tallink Grupp as at 31 January  2007,  at
08.00  A.M.,  shall  participate at  the  bonus  issue.  All
shareholders participating at the bonus issue shall  acquire
3 (three) new shares for each existing share.
3) The new shares issued at the bonus issue shall be entered
into  the securities accounts of the shareholders latest  by
02 February 2007.
4) The shares issued at the bonus issue shall give the right
to  receive  dividends  as from the  annual  financial  year
beginning at 1 September 2006.

Tabulation of votes:
In favor: 102 442 487 votes (100 % of the represented votes)
Against: 0 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Impartial: 255 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Did not vote: 576 votes

6. Authorizing the acquisition of own shares.
Based  on  §  283  section 2 and §  284  section  1  of  the
Commercial Code, the General Meeting resolved:
To  grant to the public limited company the right to acquire
the  shares  of  AS Tallink Grupp subject to  the  following
1)  The company is entitled to aquire own shares within  one
year from adoption of this resolution.
2)  The  total  nominal values of the share aquired  by  the
company in a calendar year shall not exceed 5 % of the share
3) The price payable for one share shall not be more than is
the  highest  price paid at Tallinn Stock Exchange  for  the
share  of  AS  Tallink Grupp at the day when  the  share  is
4)   Own  shares shall be paid for from the assets exceeding
the   share  capital,  mandatory  legal  reserve  and  issue
5) Own shares shall be transferred within one year after the
aquisition thereof.

Tabulation of votes:
In favor: 102 440 396 votes (100 % of the represented votes)
Against: 196 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Impartial: 2150 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Did not vote: 576 votes

7. Approval of the conditions for share options.
Based on § 298 section 2 subsection and § 345 section  1  of
the Commercial Code, the General Meeting resolved:
1)  To grant to the Supervisory Board the right to carry out
share options in order to motivate the leading employees  of
AS  Tallink  Grupp and the companies belonging to  the  same
group on the following conditions:

(1) The Supervisory Board of AS Tallink Grupp is entitled to
issue  up to 4 000 000 (four million) share options  whereas
each share option grants the entitled person right to buy  1
(one) share of AS Tallink Grupp.
(2) The entitled persons of a share option and the amount of
shares being transferred to them shall be determined by  the
Supervisory Board of AS Tallink Grupp. The Supervisory Board
of AS Tallink Grupp shall elect the entitled persons for the
share  option  from  amongst the  leading  employees  of  AS
Tallink Grupp and the companies belonging to the same  group
whereas  persons  working under the employment  contract  as
well  as  the  management  shall be considered  the  leading
employees.  The  members  of the  Supervisory  Board  of  AS
Tallink Grupp may not be determined as entitled persons of a
share  option. The Management Board of AS Tallink Grupp  may
submit proposals to the Supervisory Board in regards to  the
persons  to  be determined as entitled persons for  a  share
option. The number of persons entitled to a share option may
not exceed 90.
(3)  An  entitled person for a share option may not transfer
the share option issued to him/her.
(4)  For  the compliance with the conditions for  the  share
option  up to 4 000 000 (four million) shares of AS  Tallink
Grupp  shall  be issued or purchased. The Supervisory  Board
shall decide whether the compliance with the conditions  for
the  share  option  shall be effected by issue  of  the  new
shares  or  by  purchase of own shares  from  the  secondary
(5)  No  more than 260 000 shares may be distributed  to  an
entitled  person  for  a  share  option  pursuant  to  these
conditions for share option.
(6)  The right to exercise share option is effective for  an
entitled person in time period as from 17 January 2008 until
17  April  2008.  The  entitled  person  shall  express  his
intention  to  AS  Tallink Grupp in order  to  exercise  the
(7)  In  case the contractual relationship with  AS  Tallink
Grupp  or with a company belonging to the same group, of  an
entitled  person  for a share option terminates  before  the
entitled  person  becomes eligible  to  exercise  the  share
option,  he  looses the right to exercise the  share  option
unless  the  Supervisory Board of AS Tallink Grupp  resolves
otherwise.  The Supervisory Board of AS Tallink Grupp  shall
be   authorized  to  set  forth  additional  conditions  for
termination of eligibility to exercise the option.
(8)  The exercise price of a share option shall be fixed  as
a) In case new shares are issued for the compliance with the
conditions of a share option, then the price fixed  for  the
option  shall not be less than an average weighted price  at
Tallinn  Stock Exchange on a day preceding to the  day  when
the conditions for the share option were determined. In case
no  transactions  were made with the shares  of  AS  Tallink
Grupp  at  the day preceding to the day when the  conditions
for the share option were determined then the exercise price
for  the share option shall be the weighted average  of  the
day when the transactions were last made.
b)  In case no new shares are issued for the compliance with
the  conditions  of a share option, then the fixed  exercise
price  may not be lower than the average weighted  price  of
the purchased shares.
(9)  Upon  the authorization by Tallinn Stock Exchange,  the
Supervisory Board may change the exercise price of  a  share
(10)  In case new shares are issued for the compliance  with
the  conditions of the share option, then these shares shall
entitle  the  shareholder for dividends from  the  financial
year  beginning on 1 September 2007, if the distribution  of
dividends is decided.

2)   To  exclude  the  pre-emptive  subscription  right   of
shareholders to subscribe new shares for the compliance with
the conditions for the share option.

Tabulation of votes:
In favor: 94 957 485 votes (92,69 % of the represented
Against: 7 483 545 votes (7,31 % of the represented votes)
Impartial: 1712 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Did not vote: 576 votes

8. Election of the members of the Supervisory Board.
Based on § 298 section 1 subsection 4 and § 319 section 1 of
the Commercial Code, the General Meeting resolved:
1)  To  elect  Mr  Sunil Kumar Nair for  the  next  term  of
membership in the Supervisory Board
2)  To  elect  a new member of the Supervisory Board  of  AS
Tallink Grupp Mr Kalev Järvelill.

Tabulation of votes:
In favor: 102 432 414 votes (99,99 % of the represented
Against: 272 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Impartial: 10 056 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Did not vote: 576 votes

9.  Determination  of  the amount  of  remuneration  of  the
members of the Supervisory Board.
Based on § 326 section 1 of the Commercial Code, the General
Meeting resolved:
To  fix  the  monthly remuneration of the  chairman  of  the
Supervisory Board 30 000 kroons and of other members of  the
Supervisory Board 25 000 kroons.

Tabulation of votes:
In favor: 102 431 244 votes (99,99 % of the represented
Against: 1150 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Impartial: 10 348 votes (0,01 % of the represented votes)
Did not vote: 576 votes

10.  Nomination  of  an  auditor and  determination  of  the
procedure for remuneration.
Based  on  §  298 section 1 subsection 5 and §  328  of  the
Commercial Code, the General Meeting resolved:
1)  To  nominate  the Auditors Company KPMG  Baltics  AS  to
conduct  the  audit  of  the  financial  year  01.09.2006  -
31.08.2007, whereby the leading auditor shall be  Mr  Andres
Root and the executive auditor Mr Eero Kaup;
2)  The  auditors shall be remunerated according  to  hourly
tariff  in  the  audit  contract to be  concluded  upon  the
approval of the draft thereof by the Supervisory Board.

Tabulation of votes:
In favor: 99 380 274 votes (97,01 % of the represented
Against: 272 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Impartial: 2791 votes (0,00 % of the represented votes)
Did not vote: 3 059 981 votes

Janek Stalmeister
Financial Director
AS Tallink Grupp
Tel. +372 6409 800