HF Eimskipafélag Íslands - Related party trading

Name of related party trading the shares	SHP Reikningsskil og Ráðgjöf ehf.
Name of primary insider	Steingrímur Pétursson
Relations with the issuer	Boardmember of Eimskip ehf. And Avion Aircraft Trading hf.
Date of transaction	19.1.2007
Buy or Sell	Kaup / Buy
Type of instrument	Hlutabréf / Equities
Number of shares	4.012.630
Price	32,5077
Primary insider's holdings after the transaction	 
Primary insider's option holdings after the transaction	 
Related parties holdings after the transaction	4.012.630
Date of settlement	 

SHP Reikningsskil og Ráðgjöf ehf. is 100% owned by Steingrímur Pétursson.