Audited Annual Report 2006

LHV Ilmarise Kinnisvaraportfelli OÜ started its activities in 2005 when it took 
over property finance lease portfolio from OÜ Ilmarise Kvartal and carried out a
placement of bonds backed with those finance lease agreements. Bonds issued     
amounted to 18.5 million kroons (1.2 million EUR) with maturity up to 2029.     
Underlying property is mainly situated in Tallinn Ilmarise District.            

By the time of signing 2006 annual report, there have been eight redemption and 
interest payments to bond holders. A total of 139 199 bonds were redeemed for   
the amount  of 13 919 900 kroons (EUR 889 644), of which 76 853 (7 685 300 EEK /
491 180 EUR) were redeemed in 2005 and 62 346 (6 234 600 EEK / 398 464 EUR) were
redeemed in 2006. The number of bonds outstanding after redemptions is 46 096   
and the nominal value of the issue  is 4 609 600 kroons (EUR 294 607).          

The year 2006 audited annual net interest income of LHV Ilmarise                
Kinnisvaraportfelli OÜ was 51 630 kroons (3 300 euros) and net loss for         
financial year 51 971 kroons (3 322 euros). The Company's balance volume is 6,47
million kroons (0,41 million euros). No changes where made in Company's equity. 

The year 2006 audited report of LHV Ilmarise Kinnisvaraportfelli OÜ is available
on the website of Tallinna Börs                            

Tarmo Jüristo                                                                   
Member of the Management Board                                                  
Phone: +372 6800 419


lhv ilmarise kinnisvaraportfelli aastaaruanne 2006-eng.pdf