TietoEnator Corporation's Annual General Meeting

TietoEnator Corporation's Annual General Meeting approved the
financial statements for 2006, decided to distribute a dividend of
1.20 euros per share and discharged the company's officers from
liability for the financial year. The dividend settlement date is 27
March 2007 and the dividend will be paid as of 12 April 2007.

In addition, the General Meeting made the following decisions:

Board composition and remuneration

The meeting confirmed that the Board of Directors shall consist of
seven members and re-elected the Board's current members Mariana
Burenstam Linder, Bengt Halse, Kalevi Kontinen, Matti Lehti, Olli
Riikkala and Anders Ullberg. In addition, the meeting elected MSc.
Bruno Bonati as a new member.

In addition to the above, the company's personnel appoints two
members, each with a personal deputy, to the Board of Directors. The
personnel representatives on the Board are Anders Eriksson (deputy Bo
Persson) and Jari Länsivuori (deputy Esa Koskinen).

At its constitutive meeting after the AGM, the Board of Directors
elected Matti Lehti as its chairman and Anders Ullberg as its vice
chairman. The Board also appointed a Compensation and Nomination
Committee comprising Kalevi Kontinen (chairman), Mariana Burenstam
Linder and Bengt Halse, and an Audit and Risk Committee comprising
Anders Ullberg (chairman), Bruno Bonati and Olli Riikkala.

The General Meeting approved a monthly remuneration of 2,100 euros to
ordinary Board members, 3,200 euros to the vice chairman and 4,400
euros to the chairman. In addition, the General Meeting approved a
monthly remuneration of 1,700 euros to the chairman of each Board
committee, provided that he or she is not the chairman or the vice
chairman of the Board, and a monthly remuneration of 700 euros to
each member of the Board committees. It is the company's practice
that TietoEnator executives and employees are not entitled to receive
compensation for their participation in Board work.


The meeting re-elected the firm of authorizerd public accountants
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy as the company's auditor for the 2007
financial year.

Amendment of the Articles of Association

Articles 3 (Minimum and maximum capital), 4 (Number of shares) and 16
(Redemption obligation) were cancelled and Articles 7, 9, 11 and 15
amended as follows:

7 § (new 5 §) Representation of the company
Members of the Board of Directors, acting two together or one of them
acting together with the Managing Director shall have the right to
represent the company.
The Board of Directors may give the right to represent the company to
persons employed by the company so that they act either two together
or each together with a member of the Board of Directors or the
Managing Director.

9 § (new 7 §) Summons to General Meetings
Summons to General Meetings shall be given by publishing the summons
in at least one newspaper, as determined by the Board of Directors,
of general circulation in Finland and Sweden, respectively.

11 § (new 9 §) Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting is held latest by the end of April on a
date determined by the Board of Directors.

At the Meeting, the following shall be
adoption of the annual accounts;
measures called for by the profit and other non-restricted capital
pursuant to the adopted balance sheet;
discharge from liability of the members of the Board of Directors and
the Managing Director;
fees for the members of the Board of Directors and auditor and number
of members of the Board of Directors;
members of the Board of Directors and

15 § (new 13 §) Book-entry system
The shares of the company have been registered in the book-entry

Board authorization to purchase own shares

The Board of Directors was authorized to decide on the purchase of
the company's own shares on the following terms and conditions:

- The company's own shares may be purchased, if necessary, to develop
the company's capital structure;
- Up to 7,409,646 shares, corresponding to one tenth (1/10) of the
aggregate number of shares in the company, may be purchased;
- Shares may be purchased only by using non-restricted own capital.
Thus, an aquisition decreases the amount of non-restricted own
capital and distributable funds.
- Shares shall not be purchased in proportion to the holdings of
shareholders but as part of public trading on the Helsinki Stock
- Shares will be purchased at the market price formed during public
trading (minimum and maximum price). The purchase price of the shares
will be paid to the sellers within the payment period stipulated by
the rules of the Helsinki Stock Exchange and the Finnish Central
Securities Depository Ltd;
- The authorization shall be in force until the close of the next
Annual General Meeting, however, until 22 September 2008 at most.

Board authorization to issue shares etc.

The Board of Directors was authorized to decide on issues of shares,
stock options and other rights entitling to shares on the following
terms and conditions:

- The authorization may be used to enable and finance corporate
transactions and other co-operation arrangements, thus, with a view
to strengthening the company's possibilities to develop its
operations in Finland and internationally;
- Up to 14,819,292 new or existing shares held by the company,
corresponding to one fifth (1/5) of the aggregate number of shares in
the company, may be issued against consideration in one or several
- The Board shall have the right to deviate from the pre-emptive
right to subscription of shareholders, provided that, within the
meaning set out in law, there are weighty financial reasons for the
company. The Board shall, however, not have the right to deviate from
the pre-emptive rights of shareholders for the benefit of the inner
- Subscription price for the shares may be paid by contribution in
- The authorization shall be in force until the close of the next
Annual General Meeting, however, until 22 September 2008 at most.

There were 247 shareholders represented at the meeting representing
altogether 7,605,933 shares and votes, which represents a total of
10.26% of the company's shares and votes. All the decisions were made

For further information: Jouko Lonka, General Counsel, +358 9 8626



Helsinki Stock Exchange
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