Report of transactions of shares and related securities of Bavarian Nordic by persons holding managerial responsibilities and/or persons/companies closely associated with such

Pursuant to Section § 28a of the Danish Act on Securities Trading, Bavarian     
Nordic A/S shall make public transactions of shares and related securities of   
Bavarian Nordic A/S by persons holding managerial responsibilities and/or       
persons/companies closely associated with such.                                 

| Name              | Eigil Bjerl Nielsen                                      |
| Reason for        | Member of the Board                                      |
| transaction       |                                                          |
| Issuer            | Bavarian Nordic A/S                                      |
| ID code/ISIN      | DK0060074300                                             |
| Description       | Shares (new)                                             |
| Transaction       | Purchase/Exercise of pre-emption rights                  |
| Trading date      | 21 March 2007                                            |
| Market            | Copenhagen Stock Exchange                                |
| Number            | 9,003                                                    |
| Market value      | 3,286,095.00                                             |
| (DKK)             |                                                          |

Kvistgård, 22 March 2007                                                        

Asger Aamund                                                                    

Peter Wulff, President & CEO                                          
Telephone: +45 33 26 83 83

