Vaisala Minutes of annual general meeting 22 March 2007

Vaisala Oyj  Stock Exchange Announcement 22.3.2007, at 18:15  1(1)
Decisions made by Vaisala Oyj's Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of Vaisala Oyj decided on March 22, 2007 to approve
the Company's annual accounts for 2006. The dividend will be EUR 0.85 per
The Annual General Meeting decided that a dividend of EUR 0.85 per share,
corresponding to the total of EUR 15,477,831.90 will be distributed for the
financial year 2006. Dividend is not paid to the A-shares that are held by
Vaisala Oyj. The record date for dividend payment is March 27, 2007 and
dividend will be paid on April 3, 2007.
Discharge from liability
The Annual General Meeting granted the Members of the Board of Directors and
the Company's President and CEO discharge from liability for the accounts.
The Members of the Board of Directors
It was decided that the Board of Directors will consist of six members. Yrjö Neuvo, Ph.D., who was to retire by rotation was re-elected for three years. Maija Torkko, B.Sc. (Economics) and LL.M, was elected as a new member of the Board.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy and Mr. Hannu Pellinen APA were chosen as the Company's Authorized Public Accountants.
Board of Directors remuneration
The Annual General Meeting decided to increase the annual remuneration of the Board of Directors. The new annual remuneration is: chairman 30 000 euros, and a member 20 000 euros.
The meeting of the Board of Directors
Raimo Voipio, M.Sc.(Eng.) will continue as Chairman of the Board of Directors
and Yrjö Neuvo, Ph.D will continue as Vice-Chairman. Maija Torkko, B.Sc. (Economics) and LL.M, Mikko Niinivaara, M.Sc.(Eng.), Mikko Voipio, M.Sc.(Eng.) and Dr. Stig Gustavson will be the Members of the Board of Directors.

Further information:
Jouni Lintunen, CFO
+358 9 8949 2215 or +358 40 579 0181
Vaisala Oyj