Resolutions of the AGM of Shareholders of JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka”

On Approval of the Annual Report 2006
of the Joint Stock Company Latvijas Krājbanka

The Meeting of Shareholders decided:

1.To approve the management report of the Joint Stock Company Latvijas
Krājbanka on the operation results of 2006, as appended. 

2.To approve the Annual Report 2006 of the Joint Stock Company Latvijas 
Krājbanka, as appended.

On the Amendments to the Terms
 of Increase of Share Capital of JSC „Latvijas Krājbanka”

The Meeting of Shareholders decided:

1.To make the following amendments to the Articles of Association of the JSC
“Latvijas Krājbanka” 
1.1. expressing Clause 3.1 of the Articles of Association as follows:

“3.1. Bank's share capital is LVL 9'909'246 (nine million nine hundred and nine
thousand two hundred and forty six). 
1.2. expressing Clause 4.1 of the Articles of Association as follows:

“4.1.  The Bank's share capital is made up of 9,909,246 (nine million nine
hundred and nine thousand two hundred and forty six), including: 
9,906,412 ordinary one-category shares all having equal rights to receipt of
dividends, liquidation quota and voting rights at the Shareholders Meeting; 

2'834 “A” preference bearer shares all having equal guaranteed rights to
receive dividends and the liquidation quota. “ 

1.3.	expressing Clause 5.6  of the Articles of Association as follows:

“5.6. The Council should be composed of 7 (seven) members. The Council shall be
elected for 3 years.” 

About the election of the Council of the JSC ”Latvijas Krājbanka” 
The Meeting of Shareholders decided:

1.The following members shall be recalled from the Council of the JSC “Latvijas
Krājbanka” prior to the expiration term: 

1.Aleksandrs Antonovs, date of birth 16.08.1950.; 
2.Raimondas Baranauskas, date of birth 19.01.1958.;
3.Veronika Doļenko, date of birth 27.09.1971.;
4.Naglis Stancikas, date of birth 02.09.1968.; 
5.Oļegs Suhorukovs, date of birth 07.11.1972.

2.The Members of the Council of the JSC  “Latvijas Krājbanka” shall be elected
for three years, the new term shall be effective on 23 March 2007: 

1. Aleksandrs Antonovs, date of birth 16.08.1950.; 
2. Raimondas Baranauskas, date of birth 19.01.1958.;
3.Dmitrijs Jakovļevs, date of birth 29.10.1968.;
4. Naglis Stancikas, date of birth 02.09.1968.; 
5.Oļegs Suhorukovs, date of birth 07.11.1972.;
6.Žoržas Šarafanovičius, date of birth 06.11.1971.;
7.Michael Duncan Chartres, date of birth 13.11.1941.

On Issue of Debt securities

The Meeting of Shareholders decided:

To authorize the Board of the JSC Latvijas Krājbanka, through approval of the
within the period of time until 31 March 2009:

·to make decisions on issue of mortgage bonds and/or non-convertible
determining the class and type of the issued debt securities, their nominal
size and currency of issue, terms of expansion and maturity, as well as other
necessary issue provisions; 
· to approve the issue prospectuses for non-convertible debentures and mortgage
of the JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka” 
·to make decisions on quoting non-convertible debentures and mortgage bonds of 
the JSC Latvijas Krājbanka on the list of debt securities of Riga Stock
·to perform all actions necessary for ensuring the issue and quotation of the

Election of a Chartered Accountant

The Meeting of Shareholders decided:

1.To elect SIA “ERNST & YOUNG BALTIC”, reg. 40003593454, the chartered 
accountant of the Joint Stock Company Latvijas Krājbanka for the year 2007. 

 2.To order the Board to conclude an agreement with SIA “ERNST & YOUNG BALTIC” 
on performance of audit for 2007, determining that the payment to the chartered 
accountant does not exceed LVL 40`000 (forty thousand lats) (VAT included).

On Use of JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka” Profit

The Meeting of Shareholders decided:

1.	 The audited profit in the amount of 4'105'894,39 lats for the financial
year of 2006 shall be   allocated: 
1.1.	in accordance with the Clause 8.5.1 of the share issue prospectus of the
JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka” for 2006  (approved by the Board of Directors of the
JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka” dated 31 October 2006, protocol №77, The 5 Clause of
agenda) and the Articles of Association of the JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka”,
dividends for the  “A” category preference bearer shares shall be paid in the
amount of LVL 1'161,94 or LVL 0,41 per one preference share, the date of
calculation of dividends shall be considered 11 April 2007 and the date of
dividend payout shall be 24 April 2007; 
1.2.	dividends for the ordinary shares shall be paid to the shareholders in the
amount of LVL 1'981'282,40 or LVL 0,20 per one ordinary share, the date of
calculation of dividends shall be considered 11 April 2007 un the date of
dividend payout shall be 24 April 2007; 
1.3.	the rest of the JSC “Latvijas Krajbanka” audited profit shall be
transferred to the undivided profit.