Genmab A/S Summons Annual General Meeting

Summary: Genmab to hold Annual General Meeting on April 19, 2007.               

Copenhagen, Denmark; March 29, 2007 - Genmab A/S (CSE: GEN) summon the Annual   
General Meeting on Thursday April 19, 2007 at 2:00 pm CEST at the Radisson SAS  
Royal Hotel, Hammerichsgade 1, 1611 Copenhagen V, Denmark.                      


1. Report of the Board of Directors on the Company's activities during the year.

2. Presentation of the audited Annual Report for approval and the discharge of  
the Board of Directors and the Management from their obligations.               

3. Decision as to the settlement of loss according to the approved Annual       

The Board of Directors proposes that the year's loss of DKK 438 million be      
carried forward by transfer to accumulated deficit.                             

4. Election of members of the Board of Directors.                               

Pursuant to Article 13 of the Company's Articles of Association, the members of 
the Board of Directors are elected for periods of three years. The election     
period for Anders Gersel Pedersen expires at the General Meeting. The Board of  
Directors proposes to re-elect Anders Gersel Pedersen for a further three year  

The Board of Directors further proposes that Burton G. Malkiel and Hans Henrik  
Munch-Jensen are elected as new members of the Board of Directors for a three   
year period and a two year period respectively so that the Board of Directors be
composed by seven members.                                                      

About Anders Gersel Pedersen                                                    
Dr. Pedersen has been a member of our Board since November 2003 and serves as   
Deputy Chairman of the Board. Dr. Pedersen is Senior Vice President, Development
at H. Lundbeck A/S, Denmark. Following his degree in medicine and Research      
Fellow positions at Copenhagen hospitals, Dr. Pedersen worked for Eli Lilly for 
eleven years; ten of these as a director of worldwide clinical research in      
oncology, before joining Lundbeck in 2000. At Lundbeck Dr. Pedersen is          
responsible for the development of the product pipeline including the clinical  
research. He is a member of the European Society of Medical Oncology, the       
International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, the American Society of 
Clinical Oncology, the Danish Society of Medical Oncology and the Danish Society
of Internal Medicine and serves on the boards of TopoTarget A/S, Alk-Abelló A/S 
and Lundbeck Cognitive Therapeutics A/S (also a member of the management). Dr.  
Pedersen received his medical degree and a doctoral degree in neuro-oncology    
from the University of Copenhagen and a BSc in Business Administration from the 
Copenhagen Business School.                                                     

About Burton G. Malkiel                                                         
Dr. Malkiel is the Chemical Bank Chairman's Professor of Economics at Princeton 
University. His specialties include financial markets, portfolio management,    
corporate finance, investments and securities valuation.  He is widely published
in finance, the valuation of stocks and bonds and the operation of financial    
markets in the United States. Dr. Malkiel was previously professor of Economics,
the Gordon S. Rentschler Professor of Economics and Director of the Financial   
Research Center at Princeton University. He has also served as a member of the  
Council of Economic Advisors under the administration of US President Gerald R. 
Ford and was Dean at the School of Management and the William S. Beinecke       
Professor of Management at Yale University. Dr. Malkiel served as an officer in 
the United States Army Finance Corps before earning his doctoral degree. Dr.    
Malkiel is an investment committee member of the American Philosophical Society 
and the Corvina Foundation and serves on the board of Vanguard Group Ltd.  He   
received his B.A. degree in Economics from Harvard University, a Masters of     
Business Administration from Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration 
and a doctorate in Economics and Finance from Princeton University.             

About Hans Henrik Munch-Jensen                                                  
Mr. Munch-Jensen was Executive Vice President, CFO of H. Lundbeck A/S from 1998 
to 2007, where he was responsible for overseeing the company's finance and      
investor relations activities.  He previously served as a politics and finance  
columnist for the newspaper Dagbladet Børsen and as Vice President of the       
Copenhagen Stock Exchange.  He was a member of various Lundbeck boards as well  
as the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA)
and is currently a board member of Vækstforum, Region Hovedstaden.  Mr.         
Munch-Jensen received his master in Political Science from the University of    

Burton G. Malkiel is 74 years old and will thus exceed the age limit stated in  
the articles of association, cf. article 13, during the proposed three year     
term. Election therefore requires that the proposal is adopted by the same      
majority as that demanded for adoption of a resolution to alter the articles of 

5. Election of auditor.                                                         

The Board of Directors proposes re-election of PricewaterhouseCoopers, State    
Authorized Accountants as the Company's elected auditor.                        
6. Proposals from the Board of Directors and/or the shareholders:               
(a) The Board of Directors proposes to amend Article 4A of the Articles of      
Association, authorizing the Board of Directors to issue new shares, so that the
authorization is increased from nominally DKK 10,528,798 shares to nominally DKK
15,000,000 shares and so that it is prolonged to 5 years from this General      
Meeting. The Board also proposes to amend article 4A so that, within the        
15,000,000 shares - the Board may issue up to nominally DKK 2,000,000 shares    
(including bonus shares) to employees of the Company and its subsidiaries. The  
proposal serves to ensure that the Board of Directors is able to use share      
issues in connection with the entering into of partner deals, M&A activities and
in order to raise new capital to ensure the continued development of the Company
as well as to be able to attract and retain employees.                          
Article 4A of the Articles of Association will following the proposed change    
include the following wording:                                                  
”The Board of Directors is until April 19, 2012 authorized to increase the      
nominal registered share capital on one or more occasions by up to nominally DKK
15,000,000 negotiable shares issued to the bearer that shall have the same      
rights as the existing shares of the Company. The capital increase can be made  
by cash or by non-cash payment and with or without pre-emption rights for the   
existing shareholders. Within the authorization to increase the share capital by
DKK 15,000,000 shares, the Board of Directors may on one or more occasions and  
without pre-emption rights for the existing shareholders of the Company issue up
to DKK 2,000,000 shares to employees of the Company and its subsidiaries by cash
payment at market price or at a discount price as well as by the issue of bonus 
shares. No transferability restrictions or redemption obligations shall apply to
the new shares which shall be negotiable instruments issued to the bearer. The  
new shares shall give right to dividends and other rights as determined by the  
Board in its resolution to increase the capital.”                               

(b) Under the existing authorization for the Board of Directors to issue        
warrants in Article 6A of the Articles of Association 2,295,575 warrants remain 
un-issued. The Board proposes to amend Article 6A by inserting a new section 5  
authorizing the issue of additional warrants - without pre-emption rights for   
the existing shareholders - that give the right to subscribe up to nominally DKK
1,000,000 shares in the Company to members of the Company's Board of Directors, 
the Company's employees and consultants as well as employees and consultants of 
the Company's subsidiaries and to implement the corresponding capital increases.
The Board of Directors believes that it is necessary for the Company, in order  
for it to be able to retain and attract a sufficient number of qualified        
employees, board members and consultants, to be able to offer warrants as part  
of the employment or affiliation with the Company etc. Article 6A section 5 et  
seq. following the proposed change are set out below:                           

“Moreover, by decision of the General Meeting on April 19, 2007 the Board of    
Directors is authorized to issue on one or more occasions warrants to subscribe 
the Company's shares up to a nominal value of DKK 1,000,000 and to make the     
related capital increases in cash up to a nominal value of DKK 1,000,000. This  
authorization shall remain in force for a period ending on April 19, 2012.      
The authorizations entitle the Board of Directors to issue warrants to members  
of the Company's Board of Directors, the Company's employees and consultants as 
well as employees and consultants of the Company's subsidiaries in that it is   
noted that pursuant to the authorization originally granted on April 24, 2003   
(as prolonged in accordance with the first full section of this Article 6A) no  
warrants can be granted to members of the Board of Directors or registered      
managers to whom warrants have previously been issued. The existing shareholders
of the Company shall not have a right of pre-emption in connection with the     
issue of warrants based on these authorizations. One warrant shall give the     
right to subscribe one share with a nominal value of DKK 1 at a subscription    
price per share determined by the Board of Directors which, however, shall be no
less than the market price per share of the Company's shares at the time of     
The exercise period for the issued warrants shall be determined by the Board of 
The Board of Directors is authorized to set out more detailed terms for the     
warrants that are to be issued based on these authorizations.                   
The existing shareholders of the Company shall not have a right of pre-emption  
in connection with issue of shares on the basis of warrants.     The shares that
are issued through the exercise of warrants shall have the same rights as       
existing shares cf. these Articles of Association […].”                         

(c) Pursuant to the Company's warrant programmes from 1999-2003, past employees 
etc. who exercise warrants may - depending on the period of employment - be     
obligated to sell back to the Company between 0-100% of the shares subscribed.  
In order that the Company may itself make the buy-back right effective with     
respect to such shares, the Board of Directors requests authorization cf.       
Section 48 of the Danish Companies Act, so that until the next Annual General   
Meeting the Company may purchase own shares in connection with the buy-back of  
shares subscribed by employees etc. pursuant to the Company's employee warrant  
programmes to the extent of up to 2 per cent of the Company's share capital and 
so that the consideration for such shares shall be equal to the exercise price  
paid for the shares in question. A similar authorization was granted on last    
year's Annual General Meeting.                                                  

(d) The Board of Directors proposes to amend article 7 section 1 of the Articles
of Association as a consequence of VP Investor Services A/S' acquisition of the 
shareholder registry activities from Danske Bank A/S.                           

Article 7 section 1 of the Articles of Association will following the proposed  
change include the following wording:                                           

“The shares are issued to the bearer and they may be entered in the name of     
their holders in the Company's Register of Shareholders. Until the board decides
otherwise the register of shareholders shall be kept by VP Investor Services A/S
(VP Services A/S), currently located at Helgeshøj Allé 61, P.O. Box 20, 2630    
Taastrup, which has been designated as the Company's registrar.”                

(e) As a consequence of a change of the Danish Companies Act it is now required 
that the callings for the Company's general meetings are published in the       
computer information system of the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency. The    
Board of Directors proposes to amend article 9 section 4 of the Articles of     
Association to reflect this.                                                    

Article 9 section 4 of the Articles of Association will following the proposed  
change include the following wording:                                           

“The Board of Directors shall call the General Meeting with no less than 2      
weeks' notice and not more than 4 weeks' notice by advertisements inserted in no
less than one Danish nationwide newspaper and in the computer information system
of the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency. The length of the notice shall be  
reckoned from the first advertisement. General meetings shall moreover be       
convened by sending a notice in writing to all shareholders having so requested,
to the address indicated to the Company.”                                       

(f) The Board of Directors proposes to amend article 18 of the Articles of      
Association to reflect the Company's application of the current accounting      

Article 18 of the Articles of Association will following the proposed change    
include the following wording:                                                  

“The Company's accounts shall give a true and fair view of the Company's assets 
and liabilities, of its financial position, and profit and loss, in accordance  
with Danish financial reporting rules, international financial reporting        
standards (IFRS) and possibly US GAAP.”                                         

Adoption of the proposals to amend the Articles of Association requires that    
each such proposal is adopted by an affirmative vote of not less than 2/3 of the
votes cast as well as of the voting share capital represented at the Annual     
General Meeting.                                                                

At the latest, 8 days before the Annual General Meeting the agenda, the complete
proposals as well as the Annual Report will be made available to the Company's  
shareholders at the Company's offices at Toldbodgade 33, 1253 Copenhagen K,     
Denmark. The documents are also available at the Company's website,                                                                     

Admission card: Any shareholder is entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting
after having submitted a request for an admission card no later than Monday     
April 16, 2007 at 4:00 PM CEST. Admission cards may be requested by contacting  
VP Investor Services A/S, telephone +45 43 58 88 66 or fax +45 43 58 88 67.     
Alternatively via or                           

Shareholders who are not able to participate in the General Meeting may grant   
proxy to the Board of Directors or to a person appointed by the shareholder.    

Any shareholder, to whom admission card already has been issued, but who is     
prevented from attending the Annual General Meeting is kindly asked to notify   
the company - preferably before Wednesday April 18, 2007.                       

Copenhagen, March 29, 2007                                                      
On behalf of the Board of Directors                                             

MICHAEL B. WIDMER                                                               

About Genmab A/S                                                                
Genmab A/S is a biotechnology company that creates and develops human antibodies
for the treatment of life-threatening and debilitating diseases. Genmab has     
numerous products in development to treat cancer, infectious disease, rheumatoid
arthritis and other inflammatory conditions, and intends to continue assembling 
a broad portfolio of new therapeutic products. At present, Genmab has multiple  
partnerships to gain access to disease targets and develop novel human          
antibodies including agreements with Roche and Amgen. A broad alliance provides 
Genmab with access to Medarex, Inc.'s array of proprietary technologies,        
including the UltiMAb(R) platform for the rapid creation and development of     
human antibodies to virtually any disease target. In addition, Genmab has       
developed UniBody(TM), a new proprietary technology that creates a stable,      
smaller antibody format.  Genmab has operations in Europe and the US. For more  
information about Genmab, visit                                 

This press release contains forward looking statements. The words “believe”,    
“expect”, “anticipate”, “intend” and “plan” and similar expressions identify    
forward looking statements. Actual results or performance may differ materially 
from any future results or performance expressed or implied by such statements. 
The important factors that could cause our actual results or performance to     
differ materially include, among others, risks associated with product discovery
and development, uncertainties related to the outcome and conduct of clinical   
trials including unforeseen safety issues, uncertainties related to product     
manufacturing, the lack of market acceptance of our products, our inability to  
manage growth, the competitive environment in relation to our business area and 
markets, our inability to attract and retain suitably qualified personnel, the  
unenforceability or lack of protection of our patents and proprietary rights,   
our relationships with affiliated entities, changes and developments in         
technology which may render our products obsolete, and other factors. Genmab is 
not under an obligation to up-date statements regarding the future following the
publication of this release; nor to confirm such statements in relation to      
actual results, unless this is required by law.                                 

Genmab(R); the Y-shaped Genmab logo(R); HuMax(R); HuMax-CD4(R); HuMax-EGFr(TM); 
HuMax-Inflam(TM); HuMax-CD20(TM); HuMax-TAC(TM); HuMax-HepC(TM), HuMax-CD38(TM);
HuMax-ZP3(TM); and UniBody(TM) are all trademarks of Genmab A/S.                
UltiMAb(R) is a trademark of Medarex, Inc.                                      

Contact: Helle Husted, Sr. Director, Investor Relations, T: +45 33 44 77 30, M: 
+45 25 27 47 13, E:                                              
Stock Exchange Release no. 13/2007


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