Employee shares in Sydbank

| OMX Copenhagen Stock Exchange                   | Group Executive Management |
| London Stock Exchange                           | Peberlyk 4                 |
| Bourse de Luxembourg                            | PO Box 1038                |
| Other stakeholders                              | DK-6200 Aabenraa           |
| Stock Exchange Announcement No 08/07            | Tel +45 74 36 36 36        |
|                                                 | Fax +45 74 36 35 36        |
|                                                 | www.sydbank.com            |
|                                                 | SWIFT SYBKDK22             |
|                                                 | Sydbank A/S                |
|                                                 | CVR No DK 12626509,        |
|                                                 | Aabenraa                   |
| Date                                            | Direct tel +45 74 36 20 50 |
| 29. March 2007                                  | mogens.asmund@sydbank.dk   |

Dear Sirs                                                                       
Employee shares in Sydbank                                                      
In accordance with the employee share scheme for the 2006 financial year which  
has been introduced by the Bank's Board of Directors, up to 27 Sydbank shares   
will be distributed to each employee free of charge; the shares will be placed  
in trust as of 3 April 2007 and until the beginning of 2015. The scheme concerns
a total of 2,468 employees and the number of employee shares distributed totals 
59,188. The Bank's expenses in this respect represent DKK 17.6m.                

This is the seventh consecutive year that the Bank distributes employee shares. 
A total of around 1.5m shares equal to just over 2% of the Bank's share capital 
have been allotted in the period.                                               
Yours faithfully                                                                
Mogens Asmund	                                                                  
Group Executive Vice President


fm 08_uk.pdf