
12 April 2007                                                                   
IC Companys A/S - Correction of Stock Exchange Announcement no. 16 of 11 April  

In stock exchange announcement no. 16 of 11 April 2007, regarding the grant of  
warrants to an executive, an error occurred. The nominal value of the Board's   
authorisation to issue warrants that remains after the grant is DKK 300,000 and 
not DKK 600,000 as stated in the announcement. The warrants entitle the holder  
to subscribe up to 10,000 shares by up to one third in the autumn of 2007, 2008 
and 2009, respectively. The fair value of the warrant plan is DKK 0.4 million.  

IC Companys A/S                                                                 

Henrik Theilbjørn					                                                          
President & CEO                                                                 

Henrik Theilbjørn, 
President & CEO		
Tel +45 3266 7646 

Chris Bigler, 
Tel +45 3266 7017                                         

This announcement is a translation from the Danish language. In the event of any
 discrepancy between the Danish and English versions, the Danish version shall  

