Notice to convene annual general meeting in Keops EjendomsObligationer I A/S

Annual General Meeting

Keops EjendomsObligationer I A/S

Friday, 27 April 2007, at 14:00

at Keops A/S, Scandiagade 8, 2450 Copenhagen SV.


1.	Election of Chairman of the General Meeting.
2.	The Supervisory Board's review of the Company's operations in the past year.
3.	Presentation of the annual report for adoption.
4.	Resolution to spend profit or cover losses according to the adopted annual
5.	Election of Supervisory Board members.
6.	Appointment of auditor.
7.	Any other business.

The Company's annual report for the Financial year 1st January - 31st December
2006 is available for review at the Company's premises as from eight days
before the Annual General Meeting and may be requested by interested parties on
telephone +45 3341 0000.

