A total of 66,750 Cramo shares have been subscribed with 2002A/B stock options  
rights during a period of 28 February 2007 - 26 March 2007. The share           
subscription price was EUR 3.47 with 2002A/B stock options. The stock option    
scheme is based on the resolution by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 
on 4 April 2002.                                                                

The book equivalent value of one share was EUR 0.81 on the entry of the new     
Finnish Companies Act into force on 1 September 2006. As a result of this share 
subscription the increase of the share capital, EUR 54,067.50 has been entered  
into the Trade Register on 12 April 2007. As a result of the increase, the      
company's share capital is EUR 24,828,515.28 and the number of shares is        

The new shares are entitled to dividends and to other shareholders' rights from 
the registration date, i.e. as of 12 April 2007 onwards.                        

The shares have been applied for listing on the Helsinki Stock Exchange with the
company's existing shares. The aim is that the listing begins on 13 April 2007. 

CRAMO PLC                                                                       

Vesa Koivula                                                                    
President and CEO                                                               
Tel.: +358 10 66110, +358 40 5105710                                            

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Major media                                                                                                                               

Cramo Plc is a service company specialising in construction machinery and       
equipment rental and rental-related services, as well as rental and sale of     
modular space. As one of the industry's leading service providers in the Nordic 
countries and Central and Eastern Europe, Cramo operates in eleven countries    
with 250 outlets. With a group staff of over 1,800, Cramo's consolidated sales  
for 2006 totalled EUR 402 million. Cramo is listed on the Helsinki Stock        
Exchange. For further information, please visit