Auction of Treasury Notes RIKB 08 1212

Wednesday April 18 at 14:00, the National Debt Management Agency (NDMA) will
auction Treasury Notes in series RIKB 08 1212. 

This is a nominal issue with an annual coupon of 8,5% and a final maturity date
on December 12, 2008. 

In this auction the amount offered will be in the range of ISK 500 to 1,500
million at nominal value. Only Primary Dealers in Government Securities can
directly submit bids in this auction, but they also offer to submit bids on
behalf of investors. The minimum amount of each bid is ISK 1 million nominal

Settlement date is Monday April 23, 2007.

In this auction the National Debt Management Agency (NDMA) will be offering

RIKB 08 1212


Final maturity date
December 12, 2008

Outstanding nominal in
ISK 13.7 m

Time to Maturity
Currently 1.59 years

After the results of the competitive auction are available, the NDMA will offer
the equivalent of 10% of the nominal amount sold in a non-competitive auction
until 14:00 hrs April 23, 2007. Only Primary Dealers will have the option to
purchase an amount equal to their market share in the competitive auction at
the weighted average yield of the current competitive auction. Settlement date
is one day after business day (T+1). 

For further information please contact Jon Sigurdur Thorarinsson, tel +354 540


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