Resolutions of the annual general meeting of shareholders of April 13, 2007

The following decisions were made in the Pramprojektas AB annual general 
meeting of shareholders of April 13, 2007:

1. Debriefed the annual report of the Company for the year 2006.(Annex No 1,
Annex No 2)
2. To approve the auditor's findings on the audit of the financial 
statements of 2006 and on correspondence of the annual report to the financial
statements of  2006.(Annex No 3, Annex No 4) 
3. To approve the financial statements of  Pramprojektas AB for the year 2006.
(Annex No 5) 
4. To approve the following appropriation of Pramprojektas AB profit (loss) 
for the year 2006:
1) brought forward profit (loss) of the preceding financial year in the 
end of the reporting financial year - LTL 1 685 847 (EUR 488 255);
2) net profit (loss) of the reporting financial year - LTL 692 395 (EUR 
200 531);
3) net profit (loss) of the reporting financial year not recognized in 
the profit (loss) statement - LTL 25 452 (EUR 7 371);
4) transfers from reserves - LTL 100 000 (EUR 28 962);
5) shareholders' contributions to cover the Company's losses (if the 
shareholders decided to cover all or a part of the Company's losses) - 
6) profit (loss) to be appropriated, in total - LTL 2 503 694 
(EUR 725 120); 
7) portion of the profit allocated to the legal reserve - none;
8) portion of the profit allocated to the reserve for acquisition of the 
Company's own shares - none;
9) portion of the profit allocated to other reserves - LTL 200 000 (EUR 
57 924);
10) portion of the profit allocated for payment of the dividends - none;
11) portion of the profit allocated for payment of annual disbursements 
(bonuses) for members of the management board and of the supervisory 
council, for payment of bonuses of employees, and for other purposes - 
12) non-appropriated profit (loss) in the end of the reporting financial 
year brought forward to the subsequent financial year - LTL 2 303 694 
(EUR 667 196).
5. To elect the audit firm Auditoriu biuras UAB to audit the 
Company's financial statements for the year 2007 and to fix the annual 
payment of LTL 25 000 + VAT for audit services.

Audrone Vaiciulyte
Specialist of securities
8(37)40 41 51


annex no 5.pdf annex  no 4.pdf annex  no 3.pdf annex  no 2.pdf annex  no1.pdf